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I bolted up grabbing my chest as I tried to not scream. "Mmm what happened baby? Are you okay?" Colby mumbled and rubbed his eyes as I tried to catch my breath. "I watched myself jump." I said and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh my god." He whispered and pulled me into his chest, smoothing my hair down, "it okay, it was just a dream." He whispered and kissed my head as I still tried to catch my breath. "I'm so sorry I did that. I'm so fucking sorry you had to see that." I whispered as he tightened his arms around me. "It's okay honey, I promise it's okay." He whispered as I finally relaxed.

"Do you need to talk about anything?" He asked and kept his arms around me. "I don't know." I whispered trying to sort out my feelings.

I just felt so strange.

"It's okay take your time...do you need some tea? I can make you some tea." He said as I shook my head. "I think I'm okay. I just feel weird." I said as he nodded, "I understand, just take your time. I'm right here." He soothed as I felt the fatigue hit me again.

"Sorry I woke you." I mumbled and melted into him, "don't worry about it." He whispered and rested his cheek on my head as I focused on his heartbeat.

I think he could tell I was starting to doze off again because he started to sing the song we wrote together to me, sending instant comfort to me. It didn't take long at all for me to fall back asleep.

When I woke up Colby wasn't in the bed anymore, meaning he was probably already running around trying to get things ready for the party.

I slid out of bed and stretched my arms before standing up and shuffling my way into the kitchen. "Good morning baby girl!" Colby said cheerfully as I rubbed my eye. "MAMA!" Mia yelled causing me to grin at her. "You guys are in a great mood." I said and bent over to kiss Mia's head.

"It's your birthday eve of course we are in a good mood." Colby said as I shook my head, "where's my dad?" I asked as he pulled the bacon off of the stove. "He's running an errand for your birthday." He said as I nodded and sat down next to Mia.

"Are you ready to spend the day with papa?" I asked and rubbed the back of my finger along her cheek. "Papa!" She yelled and bounced up and down. "Yeah!" I said as Colby slid me a plate of food, "thanks babe." I said and smiled at him.

"Did you have any more nightmares?" He asked as he sat down next to Mia, "nope. I slept like a rock." I said and took a bite of food. "That's good." He said and started to feed Mia.

"MMMMMMMMMMM." Mia mumbled as she chewed on the eggs Colby made for her. "I swear she likes food more than she likes us sometimes." I said as my dad came in.

"DON'T LOOK." He yelled when he saw I was awake, "what?" I asked as Colby slapped his hand over my eyes, "what are you doing?" I asked with a laugh, "I have your present out in the open, you can't look!" Dad yelled as he ran up the stairs.

"You didn't need to get me anything!" I yelled with a laugh, "yes I did!!" He yelled as Colby moved his hand from my eyes. "Was that really necessary?" I asked as he grinned at me, "yes, it's bad luck to ruin the suprise of a birthday gift." He said as I looked at him with confusion, "is it?" I asked as he laughed, "I don't know. Probably." He said and shrugged.

We finished breakfast as my dad came down the stairs, "alright squirt! Ready for a day of adventure?" Dad asked as I pulled Mia out of her highchair. "I have to get us ready then we can go okay?" I asked as Colby grabbed his keys,

"I have to get going, let me know if you need anything okay?" He said then came up and kissed my cheek, "okay." I said and smiled at him as he kissed Mia's head, "be good for mommy." He said and ruffled her hair causing her to giggle.

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