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"No way." Colby said as he shook his head,

"what do you mean?" I asked and scrunched my brows at him. "There's no way I'm letting you come with me to the Queen Mary." He said as I frowned, "why not? You'll be there!" I said and crossed my arms over my chest, getting a little annoyed.

"It's dangerous there Cor, I'm not putting you in danger like that. Not since last time we explored together." He said as I shook my head, "when I fell through the ceiling?? Colby that was ages ago! Like...way over a year ago. Come on pleeeeease!" I begged and pouted.

"Cora..." He breathed out and combed his hand through his hair. "I can't." He said as I sighed, "why though? Think of our track record. I'm more in danger with you leaving me here. Come onnnnn. Let me adventure with you, Colby." I said and took his hands in mine.

He stared at me for a second, studying my face. I had pouted my lip out as I have him puppy dog eyes, "I promised.." he whispered as I scrunched my brow, "you promised what?" I asked as he sighed, "I promised your dad I would keep you safe." He said as I sighed again.

"You will be! You and I both know you won't let anything happen to me, come on I miss ghost hunting so much." I said and bounced up and down. He let out a breath, "ugh! Fine! But I swear to god Cora if you get hurt..." he trailed off as I shook my head, "I'll be on my best behavior. I'll stay by you at all times. Plus Sam, Jake, and Corey won't let anything happen to me either." I said and cupped his face with my hands.

"It's going to be fun." I encouraged as he looked at me cautiously, "okay. Yeah, you're right. It's gonna be fun." He said and let out a breath. "The guys are coming over soon, we can tell them then." He said as I pushed his hair from his forehead.

I felt bad because I kind of forced him to take me, but I was seriously better off going with him than staying here by myself. Knowing my luck the house would have exploded with me in it if I stayed here.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled as he shook his head, "don't be. You're right. I would rather take you with me where I know I can make sure you're okay than leave you here." He said as he laid back into the couch and pulled me down next to him.

"I'm really excited." I admitted as he let his hand slowly trail up and down my side. "Are you? You're not scared to come?" He asked as I chuckled, "not at all, it's gonna be really fun." I said as the doorbell rang.

Colby got up to grab it as I pulled my legs up to my chest. Sam, Jake, and Corey came in and sat down on the couch next to me. "What's up Cor?" Corey asked and playfully punched my arm, "just watched the first two episodes of the series. They were really good!" I exclaimed and bounced happily.

"Thanks! I'm upset we have to go back to Queen Mary though, shits scary." Jake said as Sam smacked his arm, "we don't even know if Colby told her yet!" He scolded as Colby sat next to me, "he told me...and I'm coming with you guys. If that's okay." I said and leaned into Colby, "of course that's okay! We always get the craziest stuff when you're with us." Sam said as Colby mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"Yeah, I'm really excited about it, however this one isn't." I said and pointed my thumb at Colby, "ah, come on Colby, she's tough. She can hold her own against the ghosts." Sam said as Jake punched my arm, "yeah, we'll keep her safe." He said as Colby nodded,

"yeah I know, it's just Queen Mary freaks me out since...well you know." He said as Sam shrugged, "it was fine when we went the last time. I'm sure it will be fine now." He said then smiled at me. "Welcome back to the team, Cor." He said as I smiled, "thanks Sammy." I said quietly and took Colby's hand, massaging it gently.

"So when do we leave?" Colby asked as Sam shrugged, "they want us to leave as soon as humanly possible, it's only a few hours away, so we could technically leave in like 30 minutes and start filming tonight." Sam said as my eyes widened.

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