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When we got back to the room dad was still asleep, but Mia was wide awake as Michelle played with her on the ground. We didn't have time to pack her toys so she was making it work by putting cotton balls in a little bowl and tossing them around.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight, I honestly think Michelle was the perfect fit for my dad. They were meant to be.

"Mia are you being good for Michelle?" I asked as she squealed happily, "Mimi!" She yelled and pointed to Michelle, "wow even you get a nickname." I said with a giggle and leaned my head on Colby's shoulder as I rubbed my fingers along the opal necklace I wore every day.

I couldn't believe 2 years ago Colby and I met at that party that Kat dragged me to. I couldn't believe that we were married with a beautiful little girl. I couldn't believe we have survived all of the things we have been through together. It just proved that we were meant to be.

"What are you thinking about, love?" Colby asked and wrapped his arm around my waist, "you." I said simply and looked up at him, "hopefully good things." He said as I giggled, "always good things. I'm just so lucky to have you and your last name." I said with a sigh as I rubbed my finger along my wedding ring.

"I'm lucky that I have the hottest wife ever." He said and kissed me as I laughed, "Is that all I am to you? Hot?" I asked dramatically as Mia toddled over to us, "of course not. You know that, drama queen." He said as I scrunched my nose at him.

"Children stop fighting." Dad's croaky voice sounded as I giggled, "good morning daddy, how did you sleep?" I asked and came over with Mia, "good. I don't even feel like I had a heart attack." He said as Mia reached for him, "papa!" She said as he opened his arms, "Come here peanut." He said as I carefully lowered her into his arms.

I always loved seeing Mia react to my dad. He was so goofy around her that she was always giggling.

I'm so glad I didn't have to lose those moments.

"You get bigger and bigger every time I see you. Stop growing." He said as she nuzzled into his neck.

"I know, I can't believe she's already walking and talking. I wish we could stop time for a minute." I said as Colby's arms came around me from behind, as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I remember that feeling all too well, I still feel it. I can't believe you are married with a baby, squirt. It feels like you were this little just a minute ago." He said as I smiled fondly at him as Mia pulled at his fingers.

"Oh! Hey dad, did you want to watch the first few episodes of the series Sam, Jake, Corey, and I are doing?" Colby asked as Stephanie gasped behind him causing us to turn, "sorry...I'm just really excited about that...you don't have to show it to me...I understand." She said timidly as Michelle rubbed her back.

I saw Colby's hard face soften a little bit, "of course you can watch it with us. Just don't post any spoilers alright?" He asked softly as my heart warmed up.

I knew he still didnt like Stephanie, I could tell by his demeanor but he was trying to be nice to her for me, and honestly it warmed my heart.

"Is it super scary, am I gonna have a heart attack? Oh wait...heh..too late." My dad said causing me to roll my eyes as Colby set up the video on the TV,

"Too soon, Dad." I said and chuckled as I pulled my old house key out of my bag, "by the way dad, everyone came from LA to support you, they are in the waiting room." I said as he frowned, "they seriously ALL came? That's so sweet." He said as I opened the door,

"yep! I'm going to go give them my house key so they can go to the house that way they don't have to sit here. Would you like to say anything to them?" I asked as he thought for a second.

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