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"I want to go home." I mumbled to Colby as we walked to the old ballroom. "I know baby, I know." He said as I bit at my lip. I was really starting to struggle with this.

I felt like something was wrong.

"C-can we call Mia?" I asked and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Yeah, of course." He said then looked up at the group as we stopped in the middle of the ballroom.

"Hey, we are gonna take a minute to call home really quick." Colby said and nodded towards the exit door, "no can do, we are on a time crunch." Charlie said and looked at me with a smirk.

"Come on. Just give us five minutes. You can even start filming and we will join in." Colby said as he shoved his hand in his pocket to grab his phone.

Charlie glared at him then sighed dramatically, "fine, you always did consider your personal life to be more important than your work life. I feel bad for these boys." He said then gestured to Sam, Corey, and Jake were all scrunched their brows with confusion.

"No. We understand. Go ahead guys we will start in here, take your time."Sam said and smiled at us, "thanks, brother." Colby said then pulled me towards the exit.

"I really am getting uncomfortable with him..." I said as we walked down the hallway a little bit. "Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of how he's looking and talking to you." Colby said as he raked his hand through his hair. "When are we done filming?" I asked, hoping he would say tonight. "I think he said tomorrow night is the last thing we have to film." Colby said with a sigh as he dialed Kat's number for a FaceTime call.

"Great." I mumbled as Kat's face came on the screen. "Hey guys!! How's it going?" She chirped as Colby and I smiled widely at her, "it's...going." I said with a sigh as I heard Mia scream from across the room, "MAMA!" She yelled as I heard her little feet slap against the floor.

"Hi sweet girl!" I cooed as Kat put the phone on the couch so she could pull Mia into her arms. I felt a warmth in my chest that had been missing for the past few days. "Hi, princess." Colby said happily as Mia's little face showed up on the screen.

"DADA!" She yelled and reached for the phone. "Hi honey, are you being good for Kitty?" I asked and waved at the camera to her. "Kitty!" She yelled and looked at Kat. "Yeah, that's Kitty!" Colby cooed happily as she smiled at us.

I wanted to just hold her and love on her more than anything in the world right now. No matter how hard life got or how broken I was, she was always able to put a smile on my face.

Having her was the best thing to ever happen to me.

"Are you guys staying safe, even though the producer is a psychopath?" Kat asked and bounced Mia on her lap. "Trying. Things have been getting pretty intense." Colby said with a sweet tone so he wouldn't concern Mia.

"Oh god. That sounds scary!" Kat said as Mia giggled at Colby making silly faces at her. "Yeah, I just can't wait to come home already." I said with a sigh and laced my fingers through Colby's.

"Guys! Come on!" Charlie yelled causing me to roll my eyes. "Damn, you were right." Kat mumbled as I sighed, "we gotta go. Mia, sweet girl, I love you so much." I said and blew her a kiss as she brought her hand to her mouth, mimicking my actions and blowing me a kiss.

"Love you Mia!" Colby said and waved to her, "mama! Dada!" She yelled as Kat waved, "thanks again for watching her Kat!" I exclaimed as she smiled, "you're welcome Cor, love you guys!" She said then hung up.

As soon as she hung up I turned to Colby, "let's get this over with so we can get back to her." I said as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "Soon, baby, soon." He said then pressed his lips to my forehead before we went into the ballroom where everyone else was.

"About time." Charlie scoffed as we went over to the group. "Hey guys, we are just going around with the EMF reader, nothing's really been spiking or anything so we might call it a night until later." Sam said, briefing us on what we missed,

"oh okay. Why did Charlie want to rush us then?" I asked as Jake shrugged, "he's got a weird thing about you being in the video." He said as Colby tensed up slightly,

"let's have you guys walk around for a minute then we will decide if we should call it a night." Charlie said as we all turned to him. "Rolling." Bill said as we all dispersed, walking through the room with the EMF reader.

After a couple minutes of it not working Bill cut the camera. "Okay, I think we should call it a night, but before you guys go to bed I need to ask Cora a question regarding the contract she signed yesterday." Charlie said as Colby shook his head, "why can't you just ask her in front of us? We all signed the same thing." He said as I chewed at my lip nervously.

"Your contracts were actually a little different than hers, I just needed to clarify with her on some stuff, don't you worry she will be back in your room in no time." Charlie said as we all started making our way back to the rooms.

"I don't like this." Corey mumbled to Sam as I watched Charlie mumble something to Bill. "How long will this take? I'm tired." I said keeping a deadpan expression, "it depends on how you answer the question." Charlie said with a shrug as we got to the rooms. "Okay.." I said as Sam, Jake, and Corey all walked into our room.

"You gonna be okay to walk back to the room alone? Or should I wait out here for you?" Colby asked as he held my gaze with a nervous expression. "I can walk to the room, it's just a few doors down, just make sure you listen for my knock." I said and smiled at him reassuringly. I was going to answer these questions as quickly as possible so I hopefully wouldn't be gone for too long.

"I will, okay...I don't like this you know." He mumbled as Charlie tapped his foot impatiently, "I know, it will be okay though, I'll be gone for maybe five minutes." I said then pressed a kiss on his lips before walking with Charlie and Bill to their room.

I thought it was weird that he was bringing up something with that contract but maybe he would let me actually read it now. Maybe that's what this was about.

As soon as I walked in he closed the door, putting the latch on the lock. "Let's get this over with." I said and crossed my arms as Bill sat on the bed.

"Cora, have you worked in the film industry before?" Charlie asked as he stood in front of me, "no." I said trying to read the room. "So you don't really know how....these things work." He said and took a step closer to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Can you get to the point?" I asked as he chuckled, "oh she's feisty! I like that." He said causing me to shiver. "Anyways, you want this show to do well right? Like you want it to get a lot of advertising space and promotions?" He asked and stepped closer to me, "I mean yeah, I want this to be successful for the guys. Of course." I said, feeling uncomfortable as he stepped even closer.

"So how about....you do me a favor...and I'll do you and your friends one." He said quietly as he ran his fingers down my jawline, causing me to freeze.

He wanted me to sleep with him.

I took a step back and pressed my body against the door as I subtly reached into my pocket to turn on the recording device I had in there from the investigation,

"no! You realize that Colby is my husband right?" I asked as Bill stood up, walking over. "How could I forget? You two are constantly ruining the shot by protecting eachother. It's annoying honestly." He said and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I-I'm not sleeping with you." I said as Charlie scoffed,

"See I'm going to give you two choices, little flower." He said causing me to cringe as he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

I prayed whatever he said right now would be picked up in the voice recorder.

"Either you do it or I cancel the show." He said then bit my earlobe causing me to freeze with fear.

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