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Sam held me in his arms as we sat against the wall. Colby was reviewing the recording I took with the police officers.

Bill and Charlie had to get checked out by paramedics because their injuries were so bad. Jake had stayed with Colby to help review the recording as Corey held my hand in his. I kept looking over to make sure they weren't putting Colby in handcuffs, I found that was so worried for Colby that I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I'm sorry about the show...I...I just couldn't..." I whispered as Sam shook his head, "the show isn't going to be cancelled, Cor. What those poor excuses for men did to you is going to be reported and they will find us a new producer." Sam said as Corey squeezed my hand.

"Even if they cancel it though it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're okay. We would never expect you to do anything like that. EVER." He said as Jake came over.

"Is he getting arrested?" I asked him as my heart rate picked up again. "No, Cora. Bill and Charlie are though." He said as Corey chuckled angrily, "good. They deserve that." He said as I bit my lip,"I'll let Colby explain everything when he comes over here though." Jake said as he sat next to Corey.

It felt like Colby was talking to the officers for ages, until I saw him start to make his way over to us. I stood up and ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck and lacing my fingers through his hair, "I'm so sorry sweetheart...I'm so sorry." He whispered into my neck as he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I whispered as he chuckled, "you're seriously asking me if I'm okay?" He asked with a chuckle and pulled away from me so he could see my face, "yeah." I said and looked down, taking one of his hands in mine so I could look at it.

It was crusted with blood but wasn't too damaged because the rings he was wearing did most of the work for him. "Cora Elizabeth you amaze me." He said and pulled me in for a hug as he kissed the top of my head.

"Tell me what happened." I said into his chest as I inhaled his cologne, "let's go back into the room, then I'll explain it to everyone." He said quietly then pulled away from me completely, he then grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway.

When we got back into the room the energy was different. I still dirty and uncomfortable, because even if it wasn't my idea...I still let another man touch me. I clenched my jaw, hating how badly it hurt to think those words.

I went to my suitcase and grabbed a change of clothes as the guys settled in, "I'll be back." I mumbled then went into the bathroom to change.

When I looked in the mirror all I saw was shame. I could still feel his lips on my neck as he squeezed my ass.

He wasn't Colby.

I turned the sink on and grabbed a towel, wetting it so I could try and scrape the dirtiness off of my neck. It didn't work. I still fell like a monster.

I shook my head and got changed. I was scared to go out there and face this, even though I knew how supportive and helpful the guys would be.

I have just been through enough.

When I walked out of the bathroom I went to the bed, throwing the clothes I was just wearing into the trash can. I didn't want the reminder those clothes would bring.

"Cor..." Colby breathed out as they all watched me carefully. "It doesn't matter." I said then crawled into the bed. I had to resist the urge to pull the covers over my head, since I wanted to hear what Colby had to say.

Was I ready?

I had to be.

"Okay, so basically those two scammed us." Colby said and let out a breath. "Charlie really was a producer and Bill really was a camera man but they had been suspended because they were both charged for sexually assaulting clients." He said and looked down at his hands. I could tell he was uncomfortable and upset by the way he was twisting his rings.

"According to past police reports, they have been doing this for years. They take on projects that include females so they can prey on them." He said and sucked in a breath, trying to keep his composure.

"So when they found out we weren't having any of the girls come along on the trip they purposely 'lost the audio' for The Queen Mary video. I would assume because it's the closest to home, meaning it was more likely for one of the girls to come." He whispered as Sam sucked in a breath.

"They asked me to bring Kat... like they specifically asked me to bring her...oh my god I should have known..." he mumbled as I anxiously picked at my nails.

"It's okay, they are going to jail for a loooong time....also the police showed me those 'contracts' we signed...and there's a reason they wouldn't let Cora read hers." He said then shivered as I bit my lip. "What did it say?" I asked quietly as he shook his head.

"I can't tell you Cor...I cant." He said then stood up to come sit next to me. I had a feeling I knew what it said, and he was right...I didn't want to know.

As soon as he laid down he pulled me into him, playing with my hair as I rested my head on his chest. "I-is your show cancelled?" I asked quietly and looked up at him. He breathed out a laugh and kissed my forehead, "I don't care. I just care that you're okay." He said and pulled me closer.

"I'll call YouTube to see what they say, I'm sure they will be on our side with this and the show will air..don't stress, Cor." Sam said and stood up, pulling his phone out.

"Seriously Cora, this show is a great opportunity but your wellbeing will always mean more to us." Jake said as I felt the tears sting my eyes again, "thank you." I whispered as Sam went off to a different room to talk to the YouTube office.

Colby rubbed small circles on my back as I weaped into his chest. I still just felt so dirty, and like I didn't deserve to be wrapped up in Colby's arms.

I let someone else touch me.

"I'm gonna shower." I said suddenly then sat up. "O-oh okay." Colby said, getting startled by my sudden movement. I didn't even bother explaining myself as I got up and scurried to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and let the room fill with steam as I tried to relax. It was over. All of it was over, maybe we could go home tonight. At least I hoped so, I could really use a Mia hug right now.

I shook my head and got in the shower, hoping it would wash away some of the memories from tonight, but I knew I was only just wishing. The memories would stay with me for a long time.

I would be okay though.

I stayed in the shower for probably 20 minutes before I decided it was time to get out and face everyone again.

I put my clothes on and brushed my hair out before going back into the bedroom. I looked at Colby as he smiled, "you wanna go home tonight, baby?" He asked as a smile bloomed on my face, "yes please." I said quietly as his eyes flooded with admiration.

"Hey Cor, aren't cancelling our show, in fact they already signed us on for another season because they want us to have a better experience than we did this time." Sam said as I rubbed my chest, feeling the warmth in my heart spread a little bit.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you guys." I said and went to my bag to start packing everything back up.

"If you want to join us for season 2 you're more than welcome." Sam said as I shook my head slowly, "no, I think I'm gonna stick to just being a mom." I said as Colby came up to help me pack.

"Well the offer always stands, if you change your mind." Sam said as we all finished packing our stuff.

We were off the ship and in the car in less than an hour, because we were all excited to go home.

I was grateful when Sam offered to drive so that Colby could sit in the back with me. I was doing pretty well considering the circumstances but I knew the feelings I had would come back to bite me like they always did.

Right now though, I was okay.

I was just happy that we were going home.

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