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Colby's POV

"I'm sorry," Cora whispered before the line went dead, "NO. DRIVE FUCKING FASTER I DON'T CARE IF THE COPS COME FUCKING DRIVE!" I yelled to the poor Uber driver who was talking me, Sam, and Kat to McMillan. The others were in another Uber with Mia.

The Uber driver did what he was told and sped to the mountain as Kat sobbed into Sam's shoulder. "How do you know she's going to be here?" Sam asked shakily as he rubbed Kat's arm. "I just know. We need to call an ambulance I don't know if we are going to make it." I said and beat on the seat next to me impatiently.

Every second counted.

We were in the parking lot in less than five minutes. I didn't even wait for the car to stop when I opened the door and threw myself out.

I saw her dad's car and thanked God I was right as to where she was. I didn't even wait for Sam and Kat to get out before I started sprinting. I could feel the fear rising up as I made it up the mountain.

What was I going to do if she wasn't there? If she had actually done it. I shook my head and pushed my body to go faster.

I had never moved faster in my life.

When I got to the top I saw Cora standing at the edge, with one foot out. I felt my heart jump out of my chest at the sight.

Before she could do anything I slammed into her, wrapping my arms tightly around her as she screamed out a sob, "I'm so sorry!" She screamed and sobbed as I held her tightly to my chest. I was probably crying just as hard as she was, feeling relief wash over me that I got here in time.

"You're okay now, you're okay." I said as she screamed into my chest. "Oh thank god!" Sam yelled as he and Kat ran over to join our hug. All of us crying as we held eachother tightly. "I need help!" She wailed into my chest as I brushed her hair down, "I know baby, we are gonna get you help..we will get you help." I said and just held her tighter.

We sat like that for a while before Jake and Corey came running up to us with the paramedics behind them, "thank god." Jake said as Sam and Kat stood up so the paramedics could come help Cora.

She cowarded into me as they came up to us, "it's okay sweetie we are here to help you, what's your relation to her?" One of the paramedics said directing the question to me, "she's my wife." I said as she hid her face in my chest and sobbed, "okay we are going to have to sedate her so we can get her to the hospital to do some psychological testing. Is that alright?" He asked me as I nodded slowly.

I didn't want her to be sedated, but I knew she would fight if we didn't do it, she was broken to the point of no return right now and my heart ached for her.

I held Cora tightly to me as the paramedics injected the sedative into her. A couple minutes later her sobs died down and she was unconscious in my arms, "let's get her on the gurney." One of the paramedics said as I laid her on the board they would use to transport her down the mountain.

As soon as she was out of my arms I couldn't help the sobs that were wrecking through me, "hey, it's okay brother, she's okay. You saved her life." Sam said as I broke down, pulling him in for a hug, "I wish I could help her. I wish I could take away the pain." I sobbed into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. We stood like that for a minute before we had to go down the mountain to get her to the hospital.

"What even happened when she went to visit her dad?" Kat asked as we slowly followed them down the mountain. "I have no idea. I'm going to ask her dad if he knows what triggered this...she said something about him choosing someone over her? I don't know, she wasn't making much sense." I said as we got to the ambulance where they transported her onto the gurney to be wheeled into the ambulance.

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