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We didn't wake up until the early afternoon when Colby's phone started to ring, "ugh yes, Sam?" He groaned into the phone as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it? Oh..shit. We didn't go to sleep until like 6am..yeah...if you want to that's fine. Oh yeah? Okay I'll talk to Cora about it. Okay, bye brother." Colby said then hung up.

"What's going on?" I asked and got out of the bed, then stretched my arms out. "They are premiering our series today on YouTube and Sam wants to have a premiere party later." He said as I gasped, "it's tonight?!" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah, just the first episode." Colby said and got out of bed, "oh my god! I'm so excited!" I squealed and jumped up and down, "you've already seen this episode though." He said with a laugh as I ran over and hugged him, "I'm just so proud of you." I said quietly as he chuckled.

"Im really excited about this Cor, I think everyone is going to love it." He said as I pulled away to get ready for the day, "I know they will. You guys have worked so hard on this. They will love it." I said and scrunched my nose at him before getting in the shower.

"When are we going over?" I asked as he brushed his teeth, "whenever." He mumbled with his mouth full, "I have to work for a little bit today, wanna help?" I asked and reached out for my towel, "I'd love to." Colby said as he handed it to me.

We finished getting ready then went upstairs and into the guest bedroom which we converted into an office. "Shit, wait do we need to go pick up Mia?" I asked before we sat down. "Nah, Sam said they would watch her until the party." Colby said with a laugh then sat down at the desk.

"Okay good..well..I had a question for you." I said then sat down next to him, grabbing my notebook. "What's up?" He asked as I took a deep breath, "Will you record a song with me?" I asked and pouted my lip out, "I'm not good enough for that, Cor." He said with a laugh as I shook my head,

"you totally are! You have such a great voice, Colby." I said and pouted at him, "pease.." I said imitating Mia. "We'll see..we can at least write a song together. I can do that." He said with a laugh as I squealed and hugged him, "thank you!" I yelled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I was thinking maybe we could take our vows and turn them into a song. If you don't want to though that's okay." I said and opened the notebook, putting my pen to the paper.

I wrote at the top, 'Colby's song.' then looked up at him. He was looking at me with a thoughtful expression as I frowned, "what? Is this okay? We don't have to do this, I can just write something else." I said feeling the anxiety bubble up, "no! No, I'm just so happy you want to include me in this." He said quietly as I brought my hand to his cheek.

"I want you to be a part of this more than anything." I said and kissed him, feeling all the love in the world fill my chest.

We wrote down our vows but decided to change them up a little bit so that we could keep our original vows to ourselves, "are we trying to make people cry?" Colby asked as I laughed, "yes, we are trying to destroy their tear ducts with this one." I said with a laugh as he nodded, "then I think this is perfect." He said and pointed to the page.

We ended up working on the song for way too long, since it was already 6pm. "I thought you were only supposed to work for 30 minutes, Cor." Colby said with a laugh as I finally closed the notebook.

"You didn't stop me!" I said with a laugh as we went downstairs to get ready for the party, "do I need to dress up for this? Or are we doing casual?" I asked and stood in front of my clothes, "I don't think it matters, babe." Colby said and pulled down the shirt he was going to wear and some black jeans.

I nodded and pulled down my own outfit which consisted of leggings and a tshirt, to match Colby's vibe. "Okay, we need to hurry, I miss Mia." I said and frowned as he laughed and grabbed his keys, I'm ready when you are." He said then reached his hand out for me, "I'm ready." I said then took his hand and dragged him out to the car.

It felt weird not having Mia with us. It felt like we weren't complete unless we had that sassy toddler, always yelling for food or to swim.

We got to the house in less than five minutes and saw that everyone was already there, including Aryia, Kevin, Meghan, Reggie, and Cassie.

"Look who's finally here!" Kevin teased as we walked towards the movie room, "oh shut up." I grumbled playfully as I heard Mia running down the hall, "MAMA! DADA!!" She screamed and ran towards us, "hey sweet girl!" I yelled as Colby scooped her up into his arms. "Hey princess, we missed you! Did you have fun with everyone?" He asked as she held out her stuffed dolphin to him.

"BOBA!" She yelled as he smiled, "where did you get a Boba?" He asked with a laugh as I pinched her cheek gently, "she saw it when we were at target yesterday." I said as she smiled at me.

"I hate to break this little family moment up but it's about to start." Sam said with a laugh as he passed us to go into the movie room. "Mia do you want to watch daddy on the big screen?" I asked as we walked in to join everyone.

"Dada." She said and nuzzled into Colby's neck as we found our seats in the back of the room.

"How did it go?" Kat asked quietly as I sat next to her, "it was really romantic." I said with a smile as Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I'm definitely stealing that idea in the future but I'm ordering the food instead, cooking is hard." She said as Sam sat down.

"Shh guys it's starting!" Aryia yelled as he pointed to the screen. As soon as Colby's face came on the screen Mia squealed, "dada!" and pointed to him on the screen as she looked up at the real him.
"Yeah, princess, that's me." He said with a laugh and kissed her head.

As we watched the episode I found myself being sucked into it, as if I had never seen it before. It was really interesting seeing the dynamics of them ghost hunting without me there. Sam and Colby were both a little more adventurous, while Corey and Jake seemed to be there for more comic relief. It was honestly so entertaining, I didn't want it to end. I wanted the rest of the series to keep playing but unfortunately they were releasing them one episode at a time.

"Guys that was so good!" Tara yelled as we all started to cheer when the end credits started to play. "I say we do this every week. All in favor say I." Kevin said as we all raised our hands, "I!!" We yelled as Reggie turned the lights on.

We hung out in the movie room for a while before we all dispersed around the house.

"Cora!" Meghan yelled as I set Mia down on the grass in the backyard so she could play with her stuff animal. "Meghan!" I yelled and hugged her, "it's been forever, how are you? I see you and Kevin are still together." I said and gestured to Kevin who was fake wrestling with Colby.

"Yeah, Still together and very happy. I'm so grateful you brought us together. I haven't been this happy in years." She said with a smile as I hugged her again, "I'm so glad! You two were honestly made for eachother." I said with a laugh as she looked over at him.

"Yeah...I agree..but how are you? No more traumatic brain injuries I would hope." She said with a laugh, "not exactly...life has been rocky but things are getting better each day. I'm just lucky to have this little one in my life." I said and looked down at Mia who was happily waving her dolphin around.

"She's growing up so fast, I really can't believe it." Meghan said as Kat and Devyn came over, "hey guys! Will you be in our tik tok?" Kat asked as I laughed, "yeah I guess what do we have to do?" I asked as Kat laughed, "just cross your arms and shake your head at the camera." Kat said then held her phone up, "okay." I said then did what she asked us to do. "Perfect." She said then showed me as Colby came up,

"Hey baby, where's Mia?" Colby asked as I tore my gaze from the phone and looked down to where Mia just was, "right t-oh." I said as my heart dropped.

She wasn't there anymore.

"Mia?!" I called out and looked around only to hear a small splash in the pool a couple seconds later.

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