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"Can I please enjoy my tea now?" I asked with a laugh as I pulled my shirt back on, "what? You didn't enjoy the distraction?" He asked with a coy smirk as I rolled my eyes, "shut up," I said and pulled down a mug, "did you want a cup?" I asked as he pulled out ingredients for something.

"What are you doing?" I asked and grabbed the cleaning supplies to clean the counter. "Making you some celebratory pancakes." He said as I laughed, "you don't have to do that." I said and cleaned before he could start cooking.

"I know, but my girl is getting sighed by a record label. We have to celebrate!" He exclaimed as I rolled my eyes playfully, "wasn't what we just did celebratory enough?" I asked and put the stuff away as he came over and started working on the pancakes.

"No, that was makeup sex, it's different." He said as I went over to reboil the water for my tea, "ohhh okay, right." I said and winked at him before turning towards the stove again.

I heard him chuckle, "what?" I asked and turned around as he shook his head, "nothing." He said and shrugged, "come here though." He said and jerked his head back, gesturing for me to come to him.

"My tea.." I mumbled and pointed towards the tea kettle, "I'll make it for you, just come here." He said softly as I shuffled over.

He stopped stirring the pancake batter and opened his arms to me. "What is it?" I asked quietly and stepped into him so he could wrap his arms around me, "I'm just so proud of you." He said and kissed the top of my head as I rested it on his chest.

"I still haven't said yes to signing with them." I said with a small laugh, "no, but you will. Even if you didn't say yes though I'd be proud, because they want you. A big record label wants to sign my girl, that requires celebration." He said and squeezed me against him as the tea kettle screamed.

"I just can't believe it's real." I said as he pulled away and lifted me up onto the counter to sit, "I can, you're incredibly talented Cor, I'm surprised you haven't been discovered before this." Colby said and walked over to the tea kettle so he could prepare my tea,

"You're just saying that because I'm your wife." I said and leaned over to mix the pancake batter for him, "no, I'm not. When I first heard you sing I knew you were going to be discovered. That's why I swooped you up." He said and came back over with my tea.

"Oh THAT'S why? I knew there had to be an ulterior motive." I said and took the tea from him, "yep, I knew you would be famous. That's the WHOLE reason I wanted to date you." He teased and started working on the pancakes again.

"That works out then, because I was only on this relationship for the money and the clout, didn't you know?" I teased back. "I mean that was obvious." He said with a wink then dipped his finger in the batter and smeared it on my nose, "Cole!" I exclaimed as he slapped his hand over my mouth with wide eyes.

Just then Mia started to cry, "fuck..okay I'll go apologize." I said then hopped off the counter, wiping my nose with the paper towel Colby was handing me.

I jogged down the hallway and to Mia's room, "hi sweet girl, I'm so sorry again. I'm the worst mommy ever." I said and picked her up, cradling her against my shoulder as she cried and rubbed her eye.

"Mama." She whined and rested her head on my shoulder, "yeah, it's mama. I'm sorry I woke you again." I said and danced with her around the room.

"Dada?" She asked and looked around, "no, he's making midnight pancakes." I said with a laugh, "food!" Mia yelled and perked up, "oof a girl after my own heart, you wanna help daddy make some pancakes?" I asked as she giggled. "Alright, let's go." I said and carried her down the hall.

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