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"Why did you even tell us to go to sleep if you were just going to wake us up?" Jake asked as we all sat up slowly, "you really thought we wouldn't do a 3am ritual?" Charlie asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"You guys are assholes." I mumbled and got out of bed, "what did you say?" Charlie asked as I smiled at him, "nothing." I said then stretched as he smirked at me then went to set up the ritual.

"Now what is this ritual we are doing?" Sam asked with a yawn as I put a sweatshirt on. "Just a typical ritual with a ouija board, candles, and crystals. That kind of stuff." Charlie said with a shrug as he got everything set up.

"I don't see any salt..you are making a salt circle to protect us, right?" Sam asked as he shook his head, "no, that's boring, Sam. This is the big episode! Your fans will love it." He said as I blinked slowly, being too tired to even try and argue with him.

"That's just straight up dangerous. We need a salt circle." Colby said as he pulled his shirt on. "Come on! It will be fun." Bill said as I rolled my eyes, "so fun." I mumbled as I started braiding my hair.

"Cheer up guys! We will be done by four then we have most of the day off tomorrow. Come on, smile for the camera." Charlie said as the guys walked over to the table they had set up.

Once I was finished braiding my hair I joined them at the table and sat between Colby and Corey. I think we were all tired of arguing at this point so we would just do whatever they said.

"Alright, so we will light the candles then you guys can do your thing." Charlie said as he lit the candles that were on the table.

Colby reached under the table and took my hand as we each put 2 fingers on the planchette. Sam and Colby filmed an intro to the ritual really quick as I stared down at the board. I could feel my heart start to beat a little faster, remembering that we weren't going to be protected by anything.

"Alright, I guess let's do this then." Colby said with a sigh as he rubbed at my hand gently with his thumb. "Okay, is there anyone here?" Sam asked as we all stared at the planchette. It didn't move which caused Sam to huff out a small breath, "okay, let's try again. Is there anyone here?" He asked again as the planchette slowly moved to yes. "Are you the same spirit we talked to earlier?" Colby asked as if drifted away from yes, then went back to it.

"Are you a good spirit?" Jake asked as it slid away from the yes and went to no.


Colby tightened his grip on my hand slightly as I kept my eyes on the board. "Is this your ship?" I asked as it moved to yes. "Oh my god." I mumbled, "a-are you Queen Mary?" I asked hesitantly as it moved from yes then went back.

"So we are talking to Bloody Mary herself?" Sam asked as the planchette moved to the number 6. I held my breath as the air in the room thickened. "Oh my god." Corey mumbled next to me as it moved away from the 6 only to come right back to it.

Before it could move again I felt Colby's hand go limp in mine causing me to whip my head in his direction as he gasped for air with wide eyes, "

"Colby?!" I asked as Sam put his hand on Colby's back, "breathe brother!" He yelled as both of Colby's hands went to his throat. He gasped for air almost as if he was getting choke, sending me into a panic.

"Say goodbye!!!" I yelled and forced one of Colby's hands onto the planchette, "no! Stop! Keep going this is great!" Charlie yelled as anger boiled inside of me. "NO. SAY GOODBYE!" I screamed to Sam as Colby gasped for air next to me.

"I said NO." Charlie said as my jaw clenched, I forced the planchette to go to the word goodbye as I glared at Charlie, "goodbye." I growled then took my hands off of the planchette as Sam and I both turned to Colby.

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