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We spent a while down in the basement but I seriously couldn't shake what had happened in the infirmary. Why did I hear those voices? Why did I think the guys left me and were so far away?

"Cor." Colby said and squeezed my hand, "sorry." I mumbled and shuffled my feet along. "Baby girl, do I need to take you home?" He asked with concern as we stopped and let the group go along to the deck.

"No...no. I'm just a little freaked out. It's okay, I signed up for it." I said with a shrug, "fresh air will be good." I said and squeezed his hand, "I'm worried about you." He said as I chuckled, "yeah, I know but to be fair you're always worried about me." I said as we made it to the deck. "Yeah, I guess I am." He said with a smirk then kissed my head.

"Okay! I think you guys should do a EVP session....but up there." Charlie said and pointed to the smoke stack. There was a way up there but it looked a little unstable. "Is that safe?" Jake asked as we all looked up. "Probably." Charlie said as he pulled out the recorder.

Sam went over and reached up to check the sturdiness of the ladder as I looked up at Colby with suspicion.

I wanted to say no to this.

"It feels fine here...I guess we can do it." Sam said with a shrug as I sucked in a silent breath. "Alright. I guess we can go." Colby said then looked at me, "are you okay with that?" He asked with concerned eyes as I nodded slowly. I wasn't going to argue with Charlie, it didn't matter what I said.

I would be climbing up there.

Sam went first, then me, then Colby, Corey, and Jake. Charlie and Bill said they couldn't 'get the equipment up there.' So they stayed down.

As we climbed I kept my eyes up at Sam, watching his every move to make sure I didn't fall. The ladder was surprisingly stable considering how old it looked. As soon as Sam was safely at the top he reached down and helped me up onto the platform.

"Woah." I said and backed up as I looked down at how high we were. "Don't look down, Cor." Sam said as he helped pull Colby up. "Okay." I whispered and turned around as Jake and Corey came up. "Holy shit we are high up." Jake said as Colby came up next to me, and grabbed my hand.

"Let's just get this over with. Not sure why he wanted to an EVP session up here...it's windy as shit." Sam said with a sigh. "Yeah that doesn't make much sense. Are we sure he knows anything about paranormal investigating?" Corey asked as we slowly made our way around the catwalk.

"No idea. I do know he loves when it effects us though." Colby said as the image of him smiling while I was panicking played in my mind.

I shook my head and tried to just focus on the fun part of this. "Let's maybe do the spirit box instead..that would probably make more sense." Sam said and pulled the box out of his backpack.

"Smart, Sammy." I said and shivered against the wind. It was freezing up here. "Thanks Cor. I have an extra sweatshirt in my bag if you need it." Sam said and smiled at me as he set up the equipment. "I'm okay, thanks." I said as I took a step closer to Colby.

The spirit box was a piece of equipment that scanned through different radio stations rapidly and spiritual entities could use their energy to create words, thus being able to communicate and answer questions.

"Okay. Is there anyone here?" Sam asked as the machine started scanning channels. "William." A female voice sounded from the box. "William? Who's William?" Colby asked as we got closer to the box. "Dangerous." The same voice sounded.

"Dude...did anyone else just get chills?" Corey asked and rolled his sleeve up to show us his bumpy arm. "Yeah. I have them too." Colby agreed as Sam focused on the box.

"William is dangerous? What did he do to you?" Sam asked as I took another step closer to Colby.

"Push." The voice said as I looked around at the guys. "Jump. Jump. Jump." The voice said as chills ran down my spine. "Jump? Did he push you from up here?" Jake asked as I gripped Colby's hand a little tighter. "Jump." The voice said as I looked over the edge. I could feel my whole body starting to tremble as the word bounced around my head.

"Hey." Colby said and pulled my gaze away from the deck below. "I'm okay." I said and bit my lip as the spirit box suddenly stopped working,

"is it broken?" Corey asked as he shivered with fear. "I do-" he started before Jake screamed and stumbled backwards, starting to fall over the railing.

"NO!" I screamed and reached my hand out so he could grab it. I screamed out in pain when he gripped my bruised and swollen hand with full force to keep himself upright and on the platform. 

I didn't care about the pain.

He was safe.

"Are you okay?!" Corey asked Jake as he steadied himself fully. "Yeah, something pushed me." He said as he stepped away from the railing to hug me, "thanks, Cora." He mumbled as I hugged him back. "You're welcome." I whispered, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"Is your hand okay?" Sam asked as I looked down at my hand, the force of him grabbing my hand split the skin open again but other than that it was fine. "It's okay..can we go back down now?" I asked quietly as Colby wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Jake, are you sure you're okay?" Colby asked as we all just stood in shock about what just happened. "Yeah. I'm okay. Cora really just saved my life." He said as we made our way to the ladder again,

I smiled up at him as Sam started the climb down, "you save my life every day, Jakey." I said and pinched his cheek. "What about me?" Corey pouted and crossed his arms as Colby helped me get safety on the latter. "You all save my life everyday." I said and started climbing. This time I focused on Colby's motions since he was above me.

I was scared shitless of falling, but watching Colby's muscles flex as he guided himself down the ladder was a good distraction from the fear.

Once I was on solid ground I sighed with relief as Charlie came over, "you guys weren't up there for very long." He complained as I rolled my eyes. "Jake almost fell to his death so I think that's good enough footage for you." I grumbled as he raised his brows at me, "he almost fell?" He asked as I crossed my arms in front of me.

"Yeah. Something pushed him." Colby said and stepped up next to me. "Good! Wow this is even better than when we came the first time! Maybe we should refilm the whole series with our little paranormal good luck charm." He said to the group but kept his eyes on me.

"Not a chance. Be lucky she's even here now." Colby said and took my hand. "Oh I am, but it would be better to redo the series, she clearly has a knack for this." He said keeping his eyes on me still, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Not. A. Chance." Colby said as I stepped into him a little more. "Calm down, Colby. I'm just messing with the little flower." He said then grabbed his clipboard.

"Anyways, there's still a couple places we have to hit tonight." Charlie said and wrote something on his clipboard. "Let's go then." Sam said and rubbed my back gently.

I hated Charlie and I hated feeling like I was a piece of meat.

This seriously just wanted to go home and see Mia at this point.

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