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Colby's POV

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I mumbled and looked around, the silence was deafening. "GUYS!!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear me.



"Okay, Colby. It's fine. Just get to the path." I mumbled to myself as I pointed my flashlight out into the forest, trying to see if I could see the trail. I had ran so deep into the woods that I couldn't even see the path. "Shit shit shit." I mumbled as the anxiety bubbled in my chest.

I was alone in the woods...woods I have never even been to.

"HELP!" Cora's voice called out behind me, coaxing me to follow. I almost did it too, her voice having so much fear in it that I almost couldn't resist running towards it.

"It's not real, Colby. It's not real." I murmured to myself as I shakily pulled my phone out of my pocket. I could feel an anxiety attack boiling up within me, I haven't had one of those in years. I knew it was coming though..you don't forget that feeling.

I looked at my phone and closed my eyes in frustration.

No service.

"FUCK!" I yelled and looked up. "Find the North Star Colby. Find it." I mumbled to myself, twisting my helix piercing anxiously.

My fear that was building in my chest was bad, but I couldn't even imagine how Cora was going to react when she saw I was gone. I couldn't think about that or I would freak out even more.

I stared up at the sky waiting for the clouds to shift a little bit so I could find the North Star. We parked facing south. I would be able to find the path if I knew which way was north. It was too cloudy though, I couldn't see shit.

"Okay...think." I mumbled and looked around. I had to just pick a way and go. It wasn't the best idea but it was honestly all I had.

I turned all the way around and decided on the path with the least amount of debris since my arms and legs weren't too cut up. It was my best bet, but I seriously wasn't confident in it at all.

"Guys!!! Sam!!! Corey! Cora!!!" I screamed as I walked, feeling my chest tightening. What if I never got out of here? What if they never found me?

Shut up. You're just freaking yourself out.

I felt like I was going to be sick as the anxiety creeped up even more, I instinctively reached for my pocket like I would always do it high school.

Don't unwravel. Don't do that. You have to be strong for Cora and Mia. You have to be strong for Sam and your parents and for everyone. You have to be strong.

"SAM!!!! ANYONE!!!!" I screamed as I walked through the trees. "Who are you?" I heard from a few feet away. "Hello?" I asked timidly as I hesitated to move forwards. "Who are you? Get out of here." The voice said as I heard a slight rustling in the leaves. "I'm trying to..I'm lost. Do you live in these woods?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level.

"You shouldn't be here. They will find you." The voice said sending shivers down my spine, "who will find me? My friends? Please help me get out of here." I said quietly as something darted in front of me, causing me to flinch back in fear.

"GET OUT." It yelled causing me to run faster. As I ran I heard the moans and cries of someone sobbing in the distance, the same ghostly sound we heard by the waterfall earlier.

"HELP!" Cora's voice came from my left causing my heart to ache, the pain laced in her voice made me stop in my tracks, as I clutched my chest.

I needed to get back to her.

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