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"I think this little girl needs a nap." I said as Mia sleepily rested her head on my chest. "Yeah, I would say so." Colby said and pushed her curls from her face.

"We can get some lunch and she can take a little power nap in the stroller." Colby suggested as we walked through the main lobby of the aquarium. "You're a genius, Brock." I said and nudged him with my shoulder as we went to go rent a stroller.

We decided to go to the food court and get some lunch so Mia could nap and rest up so she could actually enjoy the aquarium. "Cor..." Colby said and held up my antidepressant, "shit, yeah I should take that." I said and took it from him. I really wasn't looking forward to the cloud that would fill my head but I was just grateful I got to see Mia interact with the dolphins.

"So I was thinking we could go to the beach tonight, maybe have a little picnic?" Colby asked as I reached over and stole one of his fries, "that sounds perfect." I said with a smile and popped the fry into my mouth.

"You know your could have ordered some fries for yourself right?" He asked with a smirk as I scrunched my nose at him, "yeah, but it's more fun when I steal yours." I said and smirked at him as I reached for another on, "no. No more." He said and covered his tray as I giggled.

"Pleeeeease?" I begged and pouted my lip out as he rolled his eyes playfully. "You're so lucky I love you." He said and sat up straight so I could grab another fry. "I'm lucky in general." I said and danced in my seat at the yumminess of the fries.

Mia was up and ready by the time we finished eating so we could officially make our way to the first few tanks.

The numbness started to kick in as we walked through the displays. I tried to shake it off but I felt like I was walking through mud, "can we sit?" I mumbled as Colby squeezed my hand.  "Yeah baby, we can sit." He said and kissed my head. "I'm sorry." I mumbled and stared forwards as Colby pulled Mia out of the stroller. "Don't apologize love, you can help it." He said as we sat on a little bench on front of one of the tanks.

"Mama!" She said as reached for me but I just nodded at her, "hi honey." I whispered and brushed my fingers against her cheek before letting my hand drop to my lap again. We sat down in front of this giant tank so Mia could at least look at the fish while I tried to come back to my senses.

"Fish!" Mia squealed and pointed to the tank as Colby smiled and held her in his arms. "That's you little guppy." I mumbled with a laugh.

I hated the haze that was controlling my whole body. I knew it would dull down soon but it honestly ruined my day every time.

I just wanted to be normal.

"Cor, it's okay." Colby said and wiped away a tear I didn't even know had fallen. "Yeah, I know. I'm just...I want to enjoy this so badly." I said and looked at him with glassy eyes. 

"I know baby, I know..it's gonna fade soon, we can sit here until it does, we are in no rush." He said gently and kissed my cheek as Mia reached for me again. I took her hand and massaged it with my thumb, "hi sweet girl." I whispered and brought her hand to my lips.

I zoned out and let my mind work through the haze. I didn't realize I had my eyes fixed on a pregnant woman until I could feel myself rubbing at my own stomach, "oh." I whispered and pulled my hand away, "you okay?" Colby asked as I bit my lip and nodded, "yeah." I said and stood up, "let's go." I said and put my hands on the empty stroller.

"You're sure you're okay?" He asked and stood up next to me, "yeah, I'm okay." I said and painted a smile on my face even though my heart was slightly broken. I hated when my mind went back to the miscarriage, especially on a really good day like today.

"Mama." Mia reached for me and pouted as I chuckled, "okay okay." I said and took her from Colby. "Better?" I asked as she giggled and rested her head on my chest. "Fish!" She said and pointed to the tank.

"Let's go see more fish!" I exclaimed, finally breaking through the haze a little bit. Colby smiled at me with admiration as he pushed the stroller for me, "we can probably return this, she won't sleep again for a while." I said as he nodded, "yeah, she's gonna be wide awake." He said with a laugh then led the way to the stroller rental stand.

I took Mia over to one of the tanks while Colby returned the stroller, "look at the yellow fishy! Can you say yellow?" I asked and pointed to one of the fish, "fish!" She said making me giggle, "one day you'll say what I ask you to say." I said as she stared at the fish in the tank with wonder in her eyes.

Colby came over and wrapped his arms around us as Mia giggled, "dada! Fish!" She screamed excitedly as I leaned my head back onto Colby's chest. "Yeah princess, fish." He said and kissed my head before I turned around, "I think she would want to see the dolphin show, especially after the way she reacted to them." I said and took his hand so we could keep going through the exhibits.

"That's a great idea I think she's gonna just lose her mind at all of this, we haven't even gotten to the sharks or whales yet." Colby said with a laugh as Mia looked around with so much amazement it make my heart warm again. She was just such a happy little girl, it made the heartbreak of everything in my life so much easier to handle.

"Dada!" She yelled and pointed towards the tank with the whales in them and whipped her head towards Colby, "are you saying I look like a whale?" He asked with and laugh as I bounced her on my hip.

"She just roasted you!" I said with a gasp as Mia giggled loudly. "Oh you're gonna get it!" Colby said and playfully lunged at us as Mia hid her face in my neck while she belly laughed, "oh nooooo!" I yelled playfully and ran away from him and towards the tank.

I couldn't help but giggle like a child as Mia and I weaved our way through the crowd as Colby chased us playfully. It didn't last long though because Colby wrapped his arms around us and spun us playfully as we both giggled.

I heard someone sigh next us as Colby set me down on my feet. When I looked over I saw an older couple watching us with a look in their eyes that signaled to me that they were reminiscing. I looked down to see they were holding hands.

It made my heart swell because they looked so in love. I hoped with my whole heart that Colby and I would still be in love when we were that old. I hoped we would take trips to the aquarium together and hold hands.

I wanted to be in love with him forever.

I was pulled out of my day dream by Mia smacking my face causing me to gasp and laugh, "Amelia!" I said in shock as Colby laughed, "oh shit, pulling out the full name for the first time." He said as she just smiled at me,

"heh, it's kind of fun. You should try it." I said and scrunched my nose at Colby, "okay..Amelia don't hit your mother." He scolded but giggled like a child after, "that is fun." He said with a nod then took my hand.

"The shows about to start." He said then led us to the bleachers so we could see the pool perfectly. "Swim?" Mia asked and looked at the pool with a confused look on her face, almost as if she couldn't understand why we weren't getting in the water.

"No honey, remember the dolphins?" Colby asked and reached over to brush her crazy curls down. "Dawphn." She said as I bounced her on my lap, "yeah! Dolphin. They are gonna swim for us!" I said and pointed to Brooke who was introducing herself to the crowd, then she and the other instructors started introducing all of the dolphins.

Mia watched them with so much awe in her eyes as he jaw hung open slightly. I looked over at Colby who was also watching her with so much love in his eyes as she bounced happily at each of the dolphins.

She started giggling when Brooke introduced Boba to everyone, "BOBA!!" She yelled which caused me to smile widely at Colby while everyone around us gave us smiles too.

Mia won, she was officially the cutest kid in the world.

I tried to watch the show but honestly all I could do was watch Mia. She was just so happy that I couldn't help but bounce with her as she giggled gleefully.

I never wanted today to end.

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