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"Are you guys on your way? The weather channel is saying it's only going to get worse." Sam said as I snuggled into Colby who was holding Mia in his arms.

"Okay..drive safe." Sam said with a sigh then hung up, "Jake and Tara just picked Devyn and Corey up, they are on their way. They're okay." Sam said as he pulled Kat into him. "Thank god." I mumbled and bit my sleeve as the house shook from how strong the wind was.

Mia was hiding her face in Colby's chest as the sound of thunder filled our ears. "They're saying it could turn into a hurricane." Sam said quietly as Kat cowarded into him.

I bolted up and started pacing, not liking the fact that everyone wasn't here. "Cor, relax, they're on their way." Colby said quietly as I shook my head,

"I don't like this...I don't like it at all." I mumbled and brought my hands to my head. "Corey is driving them, they're safe. Jake said they were driving really slow but they're on their way." Sam said as Colby looked at me with sad eyes. "Please sit down baby. Please calm down." He said quietly as Mia cried from all of the loud sounds.

I sighed and sat back down next to him and rubbed Mia's back soothingly. "Maybe let's just watch a movie." Kat suggested quietly, as she shakily reached for the remote.

"That's a great idea." Sam said as Colby kissed my head, pulling me closer to him with his free arm. "Where are they?" I wimpered feeling so nervous for our friends, "they're coming baby." He mumbled against my hair. I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on not freaking out.

We were able to watch about 30 minutes of the movie before the power went out, "great, well...now what?" Sam asked as the front door swung open, scaring us. "Shit it's raining!" Jake's voice rang through, "oh thank god." I said and stood up, running towards them, "you guys are okay?" I asked and hugged Devyn tightly, "yeah, scariest drive of my life, but we made it." She said and hugged me back.

"Thank you Corey." I said and hugged him tightly, "you guys okay here?? How's Mia doing?" Corey asked as he hugged me back. "She's freaked out but I think she'll be okay." I said and looked over at her as Colby came in holding her close,

"Is the power out?" Tara asked as I hugged her. "Yeah it's just went out." Sam said as they made their rounds with the hugs.

"Great." Tara said and turned to go up the stairs, "I'm getting changed." She grumbled as Jake followed her. "Mama." Mia said and reached for me as another crack of thunder shook the house, "I'm right here baby, I'm here." I said and took her from Colby, rubbing her curls down.

"Scary." She mumbled which broke my heart, "yeah, it's a little scary, it's okay though sweetheart. Mommy and daddy will protect you." I whispered and kissed her head, "do you guys want to play a game maybe? Take our mind off of the storm?" Sam suggested.

"That's a great idea." Colby said with a smile as he rubbed Mia's back as she rested her head on my chest. "What do you want to play?" I asked as Tara and Jake came back, "hmmm assassin?" He asked as Jake laughed, "YES!" He yelled as Mia looked at me with wide eyes.

"Okay, yeah. Does anyone have any cards though?" I asked and bounced Mia. "I think I saw some over here!" Kat said and ran into a random room.

Another loud crack of thunder caused Mia to coward into me a little more, "it's okay sweet girl." I whispered as Corey came over, "it's okay Mia, Coco will beat the thunder up." He said as Devyn came over,

"Dede will too, don't you worry." She said as Mia smiled at them slightly. "Yeah you've got all of your aunties and uncles with you. You don't have to be scared honey." I whispered and kissed her head.

"Found them!!" Kat said and skipped into the room, "we are gonna get changed, be right back!" Devyn said and skipped up the stairs with Corey.

"What are the rules again?" I asked and bobbed Mia up and down, "so there's a murderer, a detective, and civilians. If you get the Joker card, you're the murderer, if you get the King card you're the detective, and if you get anything other card you are a civilian. We don't have nerf guns so I guess the murderer taps people to kill them and the detective and civilians will use....grapes." Sam explained as I giggled,

"Grapes?" I asked as he held up some grapes, "yeah, we will throw grapes at eachother." He said simply as Devyn and Corey came down. "We are using grapes instead of bullets?" Corey asked with a laugh, "yep. It's the best I could come up with." Sam said with a shrug as Kat pulled out the cards and shuffled them up, laying them face down on the counter.

"Okay, everyone pick a card." Jake said and bounced up and down excitedly as the storm raged on outside. Sam was right that this would probably distract us from the fear of a literal hurricane raging around us.

One by one we picked our cards as everyone else waited in the living room, I walked into the kitchen and went to the counter, "what do you think Mia, which one should we pick?" I asked and pointed to the cards.

She pointed to one and I picked it up, flipping it over to see the Joker. "Way to go Mia." I said with a laugh and put the card in the big pile.

"Okay! Everyone knows what they're doing?" Sam asked as he clapped his hands together, "ready Mia?" I asked and bounced her on my hip. "Yah!" She said happily which warmed my heart. The air was lighter even though the storm was raging on around us.

"Alright everyone gets 30 seconds to spread out and find some of the grapes." Sam instructed as everyone ran around the house. I ran around like a crazy person, trying to make it look like I was looking for grapes.

"I'm so nervous for some reason!" I said to Kat as we looked around cautiously. Mia giggled in my arms as we bounced around a little bit, "me too!" She said as I looked around, noticing nobody around. I quickly tapped Kat then ran off as she gasped and fell to the ground.

I ran away as Mia giggled then went up to Jake and Tara, "I think Colby looks pretty sus.." I mumbled to them and watched Colby as he slyly looked around. I could tell he was the detective.

I had to get him before he got me.

I waited until nobody was around before I tapped Jake and Tara, "oh my god." Jake said as he and Tara fell to the ground.

I decided to frame someone next, that way I could get away with everything. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed and covered my mouth, "Kat's dead!" I screamed and ran away into the living room where Sam, Corey, Devyn, and Colby were.

"Dada." Mia said as I smirked at her, "here wait, Colby...come here Mia wants you." I said as he cautiously came over, "I don't trust you, babe." He said and squinted at me as I laughed, "as you shouldn't." I said then tapped him and ran off,

Corey started chasing me since he had seen me tap Colby so I let out a squeal as Mia laughed. "NOOOOO!" I yelled as he launched a grape at me. I held Mia's head to my chest and dodged out of the way of the grape before turning around and tagging Corey. "BOOM." I said then ran over and tapped Devyn and Sam who were unarmed, meaning Mia and I won.

"Damn Cor! Didn't think you had it in you!" Kat said with a laugh as I shook my head, "nobody suspects a woman with a baby, right Mia?" I asked and pinched her cheek as she giggled.

"Rematch!" Jake said and pointed to the deck of cards. "Alright, rematch." Sam said and set things up again.

We spent the rest of the night playing games and hanging out. It took our minds off of the storm even though it was seriously going crazy outside. Everyone did such a good job at distracting Mia also, being the best aunts and uncles ever.

I just really loved my friends.

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