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Colby's POV

I grabbed Cora's hand and led her back into the bedroom and sat her down on the couch. My heart was breaking over the loss of our child but it was also breaking for the loss of Cora.

She was hurting so badly that I couldn't even see her past her own sadness and dread.

She was scaring me a little bit.

I wrapped her up in a blanket and kissed her head, turning on another movie for her, even though I knew she wouldn't watch it. "I'll be right in the bathroom, call me if you need me okay?" I asked and kissed her head. She slowly nodded and watched me as I turned away.

I went into the bathroom and started cleaning the pills up off of the floor, making sure to get every single one up.

God, she scared me so bad.

I should have gotten rid of those pills the second I knew what they did to her. They shouldn't have even been in here for her to try and take. Not that I thought she would ever do that though.

As soon as they were cleaned up I poured them in the toilet and flushed them down. I looked at myself in the mirror and scrubbed my face with my hands.

I looked exhausted.

I didn't sleep after the incident last night, I couldn't. I just heard Cora's cries for help in my head, keeping me awake as I held her in my arms.

She cried in her sleep the whole night, whimpering every couple minutes. I wish I could help her more. I knew how hard this was for me, but it had to be ten times worse for her.

She was strong though. I knew she would get through it.

When I went back into the bedroom she was sitting in the same position, staring in front of her at the fireplace with glassy eyes.

I sighed and sat next to her, pulling her into me so she could rest her head on my chest. I heard her sniffle as her shoulders starting jerking. I tightened my grip and kissed the top of her head, just letting her cry it out.

We heard a light knock on the door as Sam cracked it open, "I come with icecream!" He sang, trying to cheer Cora up a little. He set the icecream down on the coffee table and sat on Cora's other side, "how are you feeling kiddo?" He asked as she leaned up off of my chest, only to fall onto Sam's.

"I dont feel anything." She whispered which broke my heart even more. "I know, you'll feel again soon. It's okay to be sad Cor, just take it one step at a time, we are here whenever you're ready to talk." He said as Cora bit the sleeve of the hoodie she was wearing.

"Thanks Sammy." She whispered as he rubbed her arm. I was so grateful for Sam in times like these, he always knew what to say.

I was also grateful for the relationship he and Cora had, I always told Sam when I got married I wanted my wife to get along with him as if they were siblings. That's exactly how it worked out, which was just another reason as to why I knew Cora was the one for me.

"Hey I'm gonna check on Mia. Has she been a hassle?" I asked Sam as he shook his head, "she's been an angel." He said with a smile as I stood up to go downstairs. Sam started talking to Cora again as I walked out of the room.

"How's she doing?" Kat asked nervously as I took Mia and bounced her on my hip. "She's....hanging in there." I said choosing my words carefully. "She's falling apart isn't she?" Tara asked and bit her lip as I sat on the couch, still bouncing Mia. "Yeah. She tried to take her PTSD tranquilizers..you know..the ones that made her lose her memory." I said as Kat gasped,

"Did she swallow it?!" She asked frantically as I shook my head, "no, I caught her in time..she could be lying about how many she took though. I don't think she would do that though." I said and sighed.

"And how are you holding up?" Jake asked as Mia wrapped her little arms around my neck. "I'm....trying." I said and bit my lip. "It's okay to cry in front of us.." Devyn said as I closed my eyes, "I know. I just I want to be strong for her, but this is killing me. What did we do to deserve this?" I asked as my eyes watered.

"Nothing! You guys don't deserve this at all! It's just that these things happen sometimes. Don't bottle your feelings up to protect Cora though, dude. She wouldn't want you to do that." Corey said as Kat rubbed my back, "yeah...no I know, I just...she's so sad. This is the worst thing that could have happened to her. She was already struggling with the postpartum, she was already struggling because Mia won't say mama...she was just already struggling. She didn't need this too." I said and wiped my tears as Mia rested her head on my shoulder, almost as if she was giving me a hug.

"Has she seen Mia since yesterday?" Jake asked quietly, "no. She's just been in our room since it happened." I said and squeezed Mia a little tighter, "maybe you should try to bring her up there...maybe she can cheer Cora up." Devyn suggested, "yeah, maybe..I guess it's worth a shot." I said and stood up, "and Colby?" Tara asked before I walked away, "you're always welcome to talk to us about how you're feeling...we can help you through it." She said causing me to smile slightly at her, "thank you. I will." I said and nodded then turned to take Mia up to Cora.

When I walked back into the room Sam was rubbing circles onto Cora's back as she stared off in front of her again.

"Hey Cor, someone wanted to see you." I said as I watched her turn her head slightly, "get her out of here." She said quietly causing me to scrunch my brows at her, "w-what?" I asked as she started sobbing again, "GET HER OUT OF HERE!" She screamed and held her head tightly.

Sam pulled her into him as she sobbed uncontrollably, her screams filled the room which only made Mia cry.

My heart broke as I turned to leave.

"I'm so sorry Mia, mommy loves you very much...she's just really sad..it's okay. Shh" I cooed and bounced her on my hip until she calmed down.

"I take it that didn't go well..." Kat said from the top of the stairs. "No..she freaked out." I whispered as I started to cry. "It's okay Colby...it's okay." She said and hugged me.

I just wanted the pain to go away.

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