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When we got inside I still felt awkward. I think Colby could tell though because when we got to the bedroom he wrapped his arms around me, "I'm not mad Cor...I'm sorry for being such a dick. You didn't deserve that." He said and rocked me gently.

"I did though. Everything you said was true. I just don't like when we fight." I whispered as he held my head to his chest, "I know..but it's good that we fight. It's healthy." He said as I nodded slowly, "I guess." I mumbled as he pushed me away slightly so he could look into my eyes.

"What will cheer you up?" He asked and rubbed the tears off my cheek with his thumb, "icecream." I mumbled as he smirked, "icecream it is then!" He said then scooped me up into his arms as I squealed.

He carried me into the kitchen then set me on the counter as he stood in between my legs, "I really missed you, Cor." He whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck and laced my fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I whispered then pressed my lips to his.

He immediately reacted and growled as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue dance along mine. "Let me make it up to you." I whispered and clung to him as he kissed my neck.

"Say no more." He mumbled then picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom.

45 minutes later we were back in the kitchen, finally getting the icecream. "I think we should fight more often." Colby said coyly as he handed me the pint of icecream and a spoon. "No, I don't like when we fight, even if it leads to amazing make up sex." I said and pouted my lip. "You're right. Fighting with you might be my least favorite thing to do ever." he said then kissed my cheek before we walked over to the couch.

"Can we watch the rest of your series since I have missed almost every episode?" I asked and pouted my lip, "yeah, the finale is tomorrow, you wanna come with me to the traphouse to watch it?" He asked as I rested my head on his chest.

"Yes! Oh I'm excited! It's the Queen Mary episode isn't it?" I asked as he turned one of the episodes on, "yeah, are you gonna be okay watching it? I don't want it to trigger anything." He said as I shook my head, "no, I'll be okay." I said and kept my eyes focused on the screen.

I loved watching the guys' show, you could see how genuinely happy it made them to do this series. You could see how excited they would get when they would catch something that was unexplainable.

I had to admit I was just a little nervous to see the Queen Mary episode, because I just didn't know what they were going to keep in the episode.

"So? What do you think?" Colby asked as the credits for the last episode played, "it's amazing Colby. I'm so proud of you." I said and kissed his cheek as he smiled. "I can't believe we get to film another season of it." He said and pulled me into his chest, resting his cheek on my head.

"I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for that second season..and who knows, maybe I can come with on a couple of the stops." I said as he tightened his grip around me, "not gonna happen." He mumbled as I laughed, "I knew you would say that. I just wanted to rile you up." I said as he chuckled.

"What? You want a round two?" He asked as I shook my head, "no, I'm too tired. Come on." I said then stood up and held my hand out to him.

When we got into the bed I felt a lot better about the situation of Colby and I's relationship. I knew it was ridiculous to worry so much about him leaving but I seriously couldn't help it.

He was too good for me.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, causing me to groan. I just wanted to sleep forever, "MAMA!" Mia yelled which caused my eyes to shoot open, "good morning baby girl, I think Mia's excited to see you." Colby said as I sat up, "c'mere." I whispered and held my arms as he set her on the bed.

"MAMA!!!!" She screamed again and ran into my arms, "hey sweet girl." I whispered as I hugged her back. "Do you want to go to breakfast? Huh?" I asked and brushed her hair behind her ears as she giggled, "mama." She said and rammed her face into my chest causing me to laugh, "yes sweetie, it's me." I said and looked up at Colby who was smiling down at us.

"Let's go get some pancakes." I said as she looked up at me, "pancay!" She yelled happily and bounced up and down as I got up with her in my arms still. "Yes! Let's go!" I yelled and jogged to the closet to get ready.

As soon as we were all ready we went out to the car so we could have a family breakfast, "shit we need to pick up my car at some point." I said with a sigh, "that's alright, we can stop by after breakfast." Colby said and took my hand as we made our way to IHop.

"Pancay! Pancay! Pancay!" Mia sung in the back as Colby and I laughed, "I think she's excited." I said with a laugh as he nodded, "she's gonna turn into a pancake, just like you." He said and pulled into the parking spot.

"Pancakes are amazing, Brock." I said and got out of the car, then grabbed Mia from the car seat.

"I never said they weren't, Brock." He retorted as we went inside. It had been forever since I had really eaten a solid meal so I was really excited for it. When we sat down we gave Mia some crayons to color with, which was adorable.

"Dada!" She yelled and pointed down at the paper, "very beautiful!" He cooed as she smiled at him. "Mama!" She said and whipped her head in my direction, "I love it!" I exclaimed and pinched her cheek.

Colby ordered our food for us as I focused on drawing with Mia. I didn't realize how much I missed little moments like this, since I had been basically by myself for weeks.

I seriously regretted everything, and it made me really wonder if this album was even worth it. I wondered if I would resign a contract and keep doing this or if doing music just wasn't my passion anymore.

Sure, I loved music and recording songs was a dream come true, but was it really more important than getting to color with my daughter while my husband ordered us breakfast?

It wasn't.

"You okay?" Colby asked as I shook my head from the thoughts, "yeah. I'm okay. I think I just came to the conclusion that I'm going to be a two album wonder." I said with a sigh. "What do you mean?" He asked quietly as I sipped my water.

"I don't know if it's worth it...I don't want to miss anything in Mia's life. I don't want to fall into the trap of the music industry, where I can't get out. I just want to be happy." I said with a small smile as he reached over the table and took my hand.

"Does music make you happy?" He asked as I shrugged, "I don't know anymore." I said quietly as the waitress came over and set our food down.

"PANCAY!" Mia yelled and threw her crayon at me, "oKAY." I said with a laugh and put her drawings in my purse along with the crayons.

"You're probably just too stressed about the album to really enjoy it right now." Colby said as I started to cut up Mia's pancakes. "Maybe you'll find the passion for it again once the album is released and you get to see how much everyone loves it." He said as I sighed, "maybe...but what if they hate it?" I asked and fed Mia.

"Then you'll know that it wasn't meant to be, but I seriously don't think it's possible for them to hate it." Colby said with a laugh as I shook my head, "I guess we will see." I said with a shrug.

We finished our breakfast and enjoyed eachothers company before it was time to go pick up my car.

I really didn't want to be near the studio today because the thought of upsetting Colby and Mia again made me sick to my stomach but I was just going to go pick up my car, it wasn't a big deal.

When we got there I noticed Bryan's car was there, "should I go in and talk to him?" I asked Colby and bit my lip. "Nah, you can talk to him on Monday." He said as I nodded and got out of the car, "I'll see you at home?" I asked as he smiled, "yep!" He said as I closed the car door.

As I walked to my car I fished my keys out of my purse only to hear the studio door slam open.

"Cora Elizabeth Brock!" Bryan yelled to me as he stormed over.

Oh God.

What did I do?

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