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"We got the house!" Colby yelled as I walked into the room, "wait seriously?!" I asked with disbelief but excitement in my voice. "Yeah!! We got a house!" He said as he got up from the couch to come hug me.

I had just gotten back from a therapy session so he was here with Mia when he got the news,

"holy shit!! When do we move??" I asked and hugged him tightly. "In two weeks! I'm so excited baby!" He said and cupped my face, "I am too! That is until we tell everyone...they are going to be so sad." I said and frowned. "We will be living five minutes away, I think that will help." He said and kissed my forehead. "Yeah, I guess." I said and smiled at him as Mia used my legs to pull herself up,

"hey little girl." I said and scooped her up into my arms. "Did you miss mommy?" I asked and kissed her cheek. "She did. How was your appointment by the way?" Colby asked as I danced with Mia a little bit. "It was fine, it sucks that I have to go to therapy though." I said with a sigh.

"I'm glad you go, I kind of like having you around." He said as I smirked at him, "kind of?" I asked as he shook his head, "a lot." He said then kissed me. I smiled against his lips as Mia smacked my cheek.

"Damn you really do hate me!" I said with a laugh and pinched her cheek. "You hungry?" Colby asked as I rubbed my belly, "surprisingly no." I said with a chuckle, "we should go tell our friends about the house though..maybe we can show them where it is." I said and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I think we should." He said and took my hand, "I don't want to upset them." I said and bit my lip as we walked down the stairs, "it will be okay, baby." He said and kissed my head as we walked to the backyard where everyone was swimming, "hey guys!" Sam yelled and waved at us.

"Hey! We have more news for you." Colby said as everyone swam over to us, "oh god..is it twins?" Devyn asked as I laughed, "no. Not twins." I said then looked at Colby so he could announce it, "we got a house!! It's also only 5 minutes down the road so it will almost be like we never moved out." He said as everyone smiled at us.

Kat looked at me with sad eyes, but got out of the pool, "Kat.." I said and set Mia down so I could hug her, "I'm happy for you guys....I just...I'm gonna miss you." She whispered as I bit my lip, "I'm gonna be right down the road, a quick walk or drive away. Plus you can sleep over whenever." I said and rubbed my hand along her wet back, I was getting soaked but I didn't care.

"I know, I just..I love you like a sister. I always will." She said which made me burst into tears, "I love you too." I whispered as we hugged eachother tightly.

"So when do you guys move?" Corey asked as he and Jake continued their water basketball game, "um, two weeks.." I said as Colby went in to get Mia in her swimsuit. "That's too soon! How will we survive without you guys? Who are we gonna make fun of?" Tara said as she swam up next to me.

"Us! We just won't be living here. I promise we will all still be together all the time." I said and put my hand on her head, "I guess your right....I call getting their bedroom!" She yelled as Devyn laughed, "nope! I want it! I have the smallest room in the house!" She whined as I laughed, "Tara and Jake can have our room and you can have their room." I said with a laugh.

"See? What will we do without our resident mom?" Tara said as Kat pulled herself out of the pool to sit next to me, "just call me, I'll mom you all day long." I said as the girls laughed at me.

I was really going to miss living here.

We spent the next couple hours all hanging out by the pool. I wanted to savor every minute of us all loving together before Colby and I moved. We stayed up for a while before everyone decided to go to bed. I wasn't tired though, I was mostly just upset and anxious.

"What's going on love?" Colby asked as I started collecting stuff to pack up, "I don't know..I just...I'm gonna miss living here. T-this is the house we brought Mia home to." I said and started sniffling, "I know, love. I know this is hard but I promise we will be over here all the time still. They aren't moving out any time soon. This new house is going to be the house our kids grow up in. It's going to be just as special." He said and took my shaking hands,

"Yeah...you don't think they hate us do you?" I asked and bit my lip looking up at him. "No! They don't hate us! Yeah, they may be a little sad but they don't hate us for moving on to the next chapter." He said and pulled me into his chest, smoothing my hair down.

I felt weird. Almost incomplete. I hated feeling like this so much.

"Can we go to the store?" I asked and rubbed my hips which were hurting really bad tonight. "Yeah, are you okay?" He asked and pulled away so he could look at me. "Yeah, I think I just need some time away from everything for a minute." I said with a sigh, "okay, I'll text Sam to keep an ear out for Mia." He said as I nodded.

"See? How are we going to do this? We have them watch her all the time." I said feeling the anxiety bubble in my chest.

"We will figure it out baby girl, we always do." He said and kissed my head. "Okay. You're right." I said and shook my head, trying to shake the insecurities away.

"Let's just go to the store." He said gently and laced his finger through mine, "okay." I whispered as we walked out of the room.

I wasn't particularly craving or wanting anything, I just wanted to walk around the aisles with Colby, it always brought me some comfort. "Does the baby want something?" He asked as we walked around, "I don't think so.." I said with a sigh and rubbed the small bump I had. "I think I just wanted to get out of the house, ya know?" I asked and bit my lip looking up at him, "I understand. Are you feeling a little better?" He asked and squeezed my hand, "actually yeah." I said and let out a sigh.

I don't know why I was feeling so strange. Nobody was upset at us, and we were happy. We had Mia, the baby on the way, and now a new house. Why was I so upset?

We spent about thirty minutes in the store, before going back home. When we got upstairs I went to check on Mia to make sure she was okay, then went to bed. "Goodnight baby girl, sleep well." Colby said as I nuzzled my chest into his chest. "Goodnight, I love you." I said as he kissed my head, "love you, too." He said quietly before we both drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to an intense pain in my abdomen, which caused me to sit up, gasping for air.

Something was wrong.

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