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"That's not yours?" Colby asked as my jaw clenched, "Don't act dumb, Cole!" I yelled feeling the hurt blister inside of me. "I'm not! Where did you find that?" He asked as I threw it in his face. "What does it matter?! Are you fucking cheating on me?!" I asked as tears poured down my cheeks.

"No!! I would never do that to you!" He yelled and came up to put his hands on my arms. I backed up before his hands could touch me, "is it because I can't sleep with you right now, Cole?! Can you just not fucking handle waiting for me?!" I yelled as his face filled with pain.

"Cora, I'm not cheating on you! Baby girl please just listen to me!" He begged as I sniffled, "is it because I lost the baby..." I whispered as my voice cracked.

"Cora. No. God no! You know I would never do that to you. I love you." He said as I held my head in my hands. "Then explain why someone else's bra is in your stuff!" I yelled and pointed to the purple hoodie that was crumpled on the floor next to the boxes.

"Ohhhh." He said and chuckled a bit, "THIS IS FUNNY TO YOU?!" I screamed as he shook his head, "no! No baby, this isn't funny. That's just Amber's bra." He said as I felt my heart break again, "who the hell is Amber?" I asked and bit my lip. "You know Amber, Cor. She came over a couple months ago to film a video. Amber Scholl." He said as I closed my eyes, trying to match a face to the name.

I remember he was having a girl over to film a video with, he told me about it, but I wasn't home. It was when we were still planning the wedding. Kat and I had left the house to go run errands.

"Did you sleep with her?" I whispered not wanting to meet his gaze, "no! No. We are just friends. We would never do that, Cor." He said and took my hands in his. "B-but...you have her bra..." I whispered and pulled my hands back, finally meeting his gaze.

I must have looked as heartbroken as I felt because when he looked at me he sucked in a breath. "Cor..." he whispered and shook his head, before pulling out his phone.

"We filmed a video, her clothes got dirty so I let her borrow this sweatshirt, she brought it back a couple days later after she washed it, she had folded it for me so I just put it away and honestly haven't worn it since." He explained as I bit my lip hard. "Hold on." He said then started doing something on his phone.

The ringing sound of him calling someone sounded from his phone, "who are you calling?" I asked and crossed my arms. "Hey Colby! Long time no talk! What's up?" A happy voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "I want to sleep with you. Come over." He said which caused my heart to shatter completely. I turned to leave the room as I started to cry again.

As I went to pass Colby he grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop, "what? Hell no! I may be a bad bitch but I'm no home wrecker what the hell is wrong with you?" The voice sounded from the other end. "Come on, we did it a few months ago...when you came over to shoot that video..." he said as I almost collapsed onto the floor.

The pain hurt so bad.

"We never did that...are you okay? Do I need to call Cora? Or Sam? Are you having an aneurism?" She asked with a nervous laugh. "No. Cora found your bra in my stuff. She thinks we slept together and this is the best way I could think of to prove to her that we didn't." He said and looked at me as I clenched my jaw. "Oh my god! Is it my black bra? I have been looking everywhere for that thing!" She exclaimed as I wiped my cheeks.

"That's the one. It was in the hoodie you gave back to me." Colby said as he reached for my hand. I let him take it but I was still hurting really bad. The thought alone of him doing that to me hurt my chest so badly I had to rub it with my hand.

"Let me talk to her." Amber said as I closed my eyes, trying to compose myself enough to talk. "She's right here, she's been listening the whole time," Colby said and held the phone out for me to take,

"hey Cora! Sorry to meet you like this...heh..but I just want you to know that Colby would never do that to you. Like ever. When we were hanging out for the video he was gushing like a 12 year old about how beautiful and amazing you are." She said as I bit my lip, keeping my eyes down.

"I have to agree with him though, you're seriously such a queen." She said which made me smile just a little bit. "I'm sorry your first impression of me is thinking I slept with your husband, but I promise on my life I didn't. I would never rip up a marriage as beautiful as yours...or any marriage really." She said as Colby squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry I accused you of doing that." I whispered as she giggled.

"It probably looked REALLY bad...I don't blame you. I'm surprised Colby was even alive long enough to call me after you found it. I would have killed my man." She said with a laugh. "It doesn't matter though, I just want to reiterate that he didn't cheat on you with me. That bra is most definitely mine, in fact there should be a cute little red heart stitched into the tag. That will prove it's mine even more." She said as I reached my hand down to pick it up.

Sure enough there was a little red heart hand stitched onto the tag.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I finally looked up at Colby. He looked at me with apprehension as I bit my lip again. "Yep. It's there." I said quietly to Amber. "Oh thank god, I miss that thing. Maybe I can swing by sometime and we can meet in person? I'd love to go shopping with you one day!" She exclaimed as I nodded slowly,

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I said still feeling a little upset. My heart just wasn't in the right place right now.

"Great! I'll text Colby and I can get your number so we can plan something. I'll let you go though! I'm sure you have some stuff to say to dear Colby." She said as I nodded slowly, "yeah...okay I'll talk to you later." I said as she hummed, "bye Amber." Colby said and hung up as I bit my sleeve.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as he shook his head, "it's okay baby girl...it looked really damn bad. I'll admit that." He said and took both of my hands in his.

"I would never do that to you though. I promise on my life I wouldn't. It hurts a little that you would think even for a second that I would...but I understand." He said as my heart clenched slightly. "I....just...." I started but couldn't find the words as he wrapped his arms around me, "you don't have to explain anything. You're okay." He said and kissed my head as I melted into him.

"I shouldn't have just jumped there...I should have had more faith in you. In the back of my head I knew you wouldn't do that....but the insecurities..." I whispered the last part feeling the pain surface again.

"I know baby girl, I know." He said and held me tighter, letting me just cry into his chest for a minute. "It's okay..it's okay." He cooed and scratched my back.

"I love you." I whispered as he chuckled, "I love you, too. Now come on, let's finish unpacking our house." He said and pulled away from the hug so he could wipe my tears.

I sniffled and nodded before we walked to the living room where the girls were sitting awkwardly, "you guys okay?" Kat asked as they all stared at us with caution. "Yeah..it was a misunderstanding." I said as Mia reached for me.

"I knew it! I'm glad because I don't feel like losing a nail from beating Colby's ass." Kat said as the other two let out sighs of relief.

"Mama." Mia said causing me giggle, "yes baby?" I asked as she nuzzled her face into my neck, giving me a hug. "Thank you sweet girl." I said and rubbed her back.

The tension in the air quickly went away and it felt normal again as we finished unpacking. Colby would occasionally come over and just kiss my head, making sure I was okay, and reminding me how much he loved me.

Jake, Corey, and my dad were trying to build a fort with the empty boxes as the rest of us actually unpacked the rest of the stuff. I loved that my dad was a ten year old at heart, just like Jake and Corey.

It took a while but once everything was unpacked it felt super bittersweet. It was finally done.

Colby, Mia and I were officially moved into our own home.

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