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"I was worried SICK Cora." Bryan said as he stormed over, "what did I do?!" I asked and took a step back, feeling a little intimidated.

"I came in and your car was here. It's Saturday. You shouldn't be here until Monday. I got a little worried but thought maybe you needed to talk to me about something, but you weren't inside." He said as I took a deep breath.

"You weren't inside and you were answering your phone so I got worried something happened to you." He said and gave me a hug, "oh god..no..I'm fine! I'm good." I said and hugged him back.

"Wait a minute why were you here on a Saturday?" He asked as I bit my lip, "uh....I've been coming in everyday." I mumbled, knowing he was going to yell at me. "That explains why you have 85% of your album done." He muttered then flared at me, "what happened to taking care of ourselves and not overworking?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"I know...I know...please just don't yell at me. Colby already gave me enough guilt to last me a lifetime, I know I messed up." I said with a sigh as his face softened.

"I won't yell at you, but seriously Cora, you gotta chill....and that's coming from your boss." He said with a laugh as I nodded,

"I just want the album to be released on my birthday." I said with a frown as he chuckled, "It will, Cora. I think you underestimate how quickly I can produce an album." He said and cracked his knuckles dramatically.

"Right, well I'll see you on Monday then." I said with a nod as he gasped, "wait! While your here did you want to hear the latest track I finished?" He asked as I sighed, shaking my head. "I can hear it tomorrow..I really should get home." I said and looked down at my keys.

"It will take five minutes, Cora." Bryan said as I paused, feeling curious as to what track it was and what it sounded like.

"No. I have to go." I said shaking my head again, "I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a small smile as I reached for the car door handle, "alright...and Cora?" Bryan asked as I paused and looked up at him, "you passed." He said then gestured for me to get into my car. I smirked and got in, knowing he was testing to see if I would work instead of going home.

I was so glad I passed.

I did however listen to the tracks that were finished on the way home so I could review them and make sure they were still perfect in my eyes. I was happy to say they were.

I couldn't wait to show everyone what I have been working on. I have been keeping my work to myself since I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, including Colby.

He had heard one song, back when I had that panic attack but he hasn't heard anything since. He was supposed to record the song we wrote together with me, but since I have been missing in action I'm not sure if he even wants to do it anymore. I would have to ask him.

When I pulled into the driveway I couldn't help but smile at Colby who was blowing bubbles at Mia. "Sorry it took so long, Bryan hunted me down because he saw my car and thought I was dead because I wasn't answering my phone." I said with a laugh as he shrugged.

"Did you tell him about how you disobeyed his orders?" Colby asked with a coy smirk as I rolled my eyes, "actually I did. He even tried to trick me into staying to listen to some tracks he put together. I didn't do it though so mmm." I said and stuck my tongue out at him as Mia giggled.

"Very nice, Cora Elizabeth. Very nice." Colby said and held his hand up for a high five. I laughed and slapped his hand before turning towards the house.

"By the way, did you still want to record our love song together?" I asked timidly as we made our way inside. "Yeah of course, when were you thinking?" He asked as Mia giggled and ran passed us to go inside.

"How about Monday?" I asked and followed Mia into the living room. "Monday is perfect, I can't wait to see you in your element." He said as I scooped Mia up into my arms, "no sneak peaks though! I want the album to be a surprise." I said as Mia nuzzled her face into my neck.

"Even for me?" He asked with a pouted lip, "even for you." I said then kissed him before turning with Mia in my arms.

"Let's get ready to go see our friends, little girl!" I cooed and danced down the hallway and into her room. I heard Colby laugh at me from the living room as Mia giggled loudly. "Mama! Cited!" She yelled as I laid her down on the changing table.

"You're excited? We get to see both mommy and daddy on the screen tonight." I said and tickled her tummy as she wiggled happily. "Mama! Dada!" She yelled as I dressed her in some pale orange overalls with a little bucket hat and long sleeve white shirt, since it was October and she had the cutest fall clothes.

"You are just SO cute." I said and pinched her cheek as she cooed at me. "Mama. Love you." She said and reached up as I lifted her up. "Love you too, sweetie." I said then went into the bedroom to get changed.

I decided on a burnt orange spaghetti strapped dress and knee high black boots with a long sleeve white tshirt under the short dress so I could match Mia. "Well look at my beautiful girls." Colby said with a smile.

"You didn't get the orange memo." I said and scrunched my nose as him as he chuckled, "I'd love to change, but shocker..we're late." He said with a laugh as I shook my head. "Let's go then, I don't want to miss it." I said then hiked Mia up on my hip.

When we got to the house Katrina basically tackled me to the ground, "where have you been?!" She yelled as I laughed and hugged her back, "off being a dumbass...I miss you though!" I yelled happily as Devyn and Tara came up.

"Cora!! You have to catch us up. What have you been up to?!" Tara asked and pulled me into the movie room. "I've just been working really hard on my album. I'm sorry I haven't been around." I said as Devyn took my hand, "it's okay, we are just so proud of you." She said as I grinned.

"When can we hear it?" Kat asked as Colby came in with Mia in his arms. "On my birthday." I said with a wink as Colby sat next to me.

"Oh come on! Just a sneak peak, pleeeeeease?" Tara asked and bounced up and down. "PEASE!" Mia yelled and reached for me. "Mia you can hear it, but none of you guys do." I said and pointed at everyone as Kevin and Meghan came in, "well look who it is!" Kevin yelled and pointed to me, "in the flesh." I said with a laugh as Mia crawled into my lap.

"We really missed you." Aryia said with a smile, "I missed you guys too." I said quietly as Sam set up the video.

"I missed you guys too. Sorry I'm the worst." I said with a sigh as Sam laughed, "you're not the worst, Cor. You just push yourself too far sometimes..actually all the time." He said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"Wait!! Why does Mia get to listen to the previews but not us." Kat said as I laughed, "because look at this face!" I said and pinched her cheek as she giggle. "Mama!" She screamed as literally everyone in the room gushed at her cuteness. "Alright guys, it's starting soon, get your snacks because I have a feeling this is going to be the best video yet." Sam said as everyone cheered.

I could feel the nerves building up in my stomach again thinking about watching the Queen Mary episode. I knew in the back of my head that Charlie wasn't a part of the production team anymore after what happened but my mind was a really mean place sometimes.

I just didn't want any unwanted memories to come back.

"You okay?" Colby mumbled as everyone settled into their seats. "Yeah, I'm okay." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder as Sam stood up and shushed everyone.

"Okay guys!! Be quiet it's starting!"

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