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Colby was next to have a nightmare.

I threw my notebook to the ground as he bolted up, screaming. "Colby! It's okay shhh." I whispered and pulled him into my arms, "shit." He whispered as he tried to catch his breath. "Are you okay?" I asked and held his head to my chest as I laced my fingers through his hair.

"I'm okay. It was just really vivid." He said and sat up, scrubbing his face with his hands. "Did I wake you?" He asked as I shook my head, "no, Mia had a nightmare a couple minutes before you." I said and looked over at her as she soundly slept.

"Is she okay?" He asked as he leaned his head back onto the pillow, "she's okay, get some rest. I love you." I whispered and continued playing with his hair until he drifted off to sleep again. As soon as he was asleep I went back over to the chair and picked up my notebook.

Don't overwork yourself, Cor.

It's not good for you.

I was fine. I couldn't sleep anyways...it would only be for tonight. I just wouldn't work tomorrow. It was fine.

I ended up working through the night but needed to make it look like I just woke up early. I knew Colby would see right through me but I still had to try. I went into the closet and to my vanity so I could slap some makeup on to cover the bags under my eyes.

Once that was done I got dressed and went into the kitchen to cook some breakfast. I decided to make banana bread for Mia since she has never had it. I think she will be obsessed though.

Before I started baking I made myself a cup of tea, to calm my nerves. I was so scared that Colby would know that I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't understand why though.

Because you know you're doing something wrong.

I shook my head, trying to ignore my thoughts as I pulled the ingredients out. I put some music on and zoned into baking the best banana bread in the world.

I used my dad's recipe, since that was the only thing he knew how to bake. Memories of my childhood flooded my brain as I silently baked.

"Daddy! Those bananas are mushy!" 6 year old me yelled and pointed at the severely brown bananas, "yeah honey, those make the best banana bread though." He said with a laugh, "are you sure?" I asked as he added them to the batter, "positive, squirt." He said with a laugh as my mother walked into the kitchen.

"Dan what is she doing on the counter?!" She yelled and yanked my arm so I would fall off the counter. "We are baking bread Jessica, you need to relax. Stop being so rough with her!" Dad yelled in frustration as I held back tears. "She shouldn't be on the counter, that's disgusting." She scowled as I stood up and looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"Go to your room." My mother said and pointed down the hallway as I turned, "no, Cora. You can stay here honey." Dad said as I stopped, "Cora, GO TO YOUR ROOM." Mother barked as I flinched. I listened to her and went to my room as the memory faded away.

"Cor?" Colby asked as I finally looked up to see him and Mia standing in the kitchen, watching me. "I called your name like four times..are you okay?" He asked as I poured the batter into the pan, "yeah, I just zoned out. How are you two feeling?" I asked and took Mia from him, holding her on my hip.

"We're doing okay, right Mia?" Colby ask as she giggled in my arms, "mama!" She squealed and bounced up and down, "hi! Guess what? Mommy is making you something super special. It's called banana bread." I said and looked at her as she whipped her head to Colby, "nana!" She yelled excitedly.

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