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When I woke up Colby wasn't in bed. I frowned and sat up, looking around. I tried to ignore the feeling of dread creeping up behind me. Last night was amazing, but it wouldn't stop the depression from haunting me today.

I stumbled as I got out of bed feeling the soreness in my legs from the hike yesterday and also from....activities. "Fuckin Colby." I mumbled and stretched my legs out, trying to relieve the tension in my muscles.

After a few minutes of stretching I finally walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I brushed I looked over at the my bottle of pills.

What if I just didn't take my pill today? Would that be so bad? I didn't want to be drowsy. I didn't want to feel numb today.

I would be fine.

As soon as I finished brushing my teeth I walked out of the bathroom to get dressed. I wondered where Colby had run off to since he didn't leave a note nor did he text me. I'm sure he was just downstairs but it still had my nerves a little rattled not knowing where he was.

I quickly put a bathing suit on with some jean shorts and a tank top before going down the hall to where Colby had set Mia up.

When I opened the door she wasn't in there which meant wherever Colby went, Mia was too. I sighed and combed my fingers through my hair then turned to leave the room. I was a little nervous to go downstairs because I KNEW everyone heard us last night and we seriously weren't going to hear the end of it.

When I went downstairs everyone was eating breakfast, "good morning Cora!" Kat chirped as everyone turned to look at me, "MAMA!" Mia yelled and waved as I sat down next to Colby, "good morning." I said then leaned down and kissed Mia's cheek.

"How'd you sleep? Good? I didn't! Because you and COLBY were being LOUD." Corey said as I covered my face in embarrassment, "yeah I could hear you from all the way down the hall...disgoostin." Jake said as Colby chuckled, "okay okay, I think we get it. Lay off." He said as Jake held his hands up in surrender, "okay, daddy." He said as Tara snorted and Kat choked on her water.

I felt my cheeks getting really hot as I stared down at the table, "ohhhkay...I'm gonna go uh....get some fresh air." I said then got up and scurried away, feeling the embarrassment filling my entire body.

"Guys. Seriously?" I heard Colby say as I opened the back door. I really didn't care that they were teasing us, I thought it was funny but I did feel like I was going to explode from embarrassment.

I walked over to the pool and put my legs in the water as I looked at the ocean in front of me. I focused on the waves crashing on the shore as the seagulls chirped above me.

"Psst." I heard from behind me causing me to turn around. When I did I saw Jake and Corey standing there smiling at me, "we're sorry." they said at the same time as I laughed, "for what? Making fun of me? Don't be sorry for that, I think it's funny." I said and shrugged, "then why did you come out here if you weren't upset?" Corey asked as I shrugged,

"It was embarrassing but I think it's funny when you guys make fun of me." I said and pulled my legs out of the water so I could stand up, "besides I think you're just jealous that you don't get called daddy." I said and crossed my arms over my chest as their mouths fell open, "what if we do get called daddy huh? Then what?" Corey asked as I laughed, "then you're a hypocrite." I said with a shrug then brushed passed them as I winked.

"Oh she's good." Jake said as I laughed, "come on, we have another busy day today." I said and waved for them to follow. "Coming, mom." Jake said as I opened the back door for them to walk inside.

"You guys good?" Sam asked as everyone looked at us cautiously, "no, Cora beat us up." Jake said as I laughed, "shut up or I will." I said with a giggle and sat down next to Colby again.

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