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I finally was able to open my eyelids to reveal my dad on my right and Colby on my left. My dad had his free hand over his eyes as he cried, "Don't cry." I whispered almost inaudibly from how dry my throat was.

Colby smirked softly at me as he reached over and grabbed my water. "Stop." I mumbled as he looked at me with confusion. "The witch drank out of that." I mumbled as he chuckled, "say no more." He said then got up to leave the room.

I knew he was trying to give us a minute alone since he could have easily just pushed the call button, but I was really grateful for that.  I was grateful for him.

"Squirt..." dad breathed out as I turned my head to look at him, "I'm so sorry." He whispered and held my hand tightly, "it's okay dad." I said quietly as he shook his head, "no. It's not okay. I wasn't thinking squirt...Michelle was just so persistent about not letting you hurt Stephanie. I didn't even think how badly it would hurt you." He said as I shook my head slowly.

"It felt like you were replacing me." I wimpered as I swallowed hard. Hearing those words come out of my mouth when they were stuck in my head for so long honestly felt like a relief.

"No honey..you'll never be replaced, you'll always be my number one." He said and stood up so he could hug me.

"When Colby told me what you tried to do...it killed me. I feel like I failed you sweetheart. I messed up so bad." He said and kissed my head as we both cried.

"I broke up with her." He mumbled as I frowned, "dad I'm so sorry." I whispered as he chuckled, "stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault, Cora." He said and brushed my hair from my face. "It is my fault..if I could just handle my emotions better then you could still be together." I wimpered as he shook his head.

"Stop that, Cor. It had to happen. Michelle needs to focus all of her energy on Stephanie right now. I heard that she came in here and tormented you, she clearly has things she has to work out, and I just don't want you to be entangled in them anymore. You've been through enough." He said as I started to cry again.

"I get it, you need to focus all of your energy on your own psycho daughter too." I mumbled as he shook his head, "you're not a psycho, Cor. You're depressed. You've been hurt a lot, and yeah you're strong, but everyone has a breaking point." He said as Colby came back with the water, "right, son?" Dad asked as he came over.

"Right." Colby said softly as he brought the straw to my lips. I took a few big sips as the doctor came in, "okay, I'm gonna ask you guys to step out for just a minute." He said and looked at my dad and Colby,
"We will be right back." Colby said and kissed my head before turning to leave the room.

As soon as the door closed I turned my attention to the Psychiatrist, "how are you feeling, Cora?" He asked as I shrugged, "been better, been worse." I said as he grinned, "understandable, it's my understanding you were talking about attempting again?" He asked as I shook my head, "no, she was lying. I don't want to attempt again." I said as he looked at me skeptically.

I didn't blame him, I wouldn't believe me either. I was being honest though. I didn't want to attempt anything, I just wanted to heal.

"Okay, well how would you feel about maybe seeing some visitors? We can see how you do with that." He said and checked my vitals, "okay." I whispered and nodded slightly as he smiled at me, "you're doing a great job you know." He said and patted my leg twice before leaving the room.

A few minutes later Colby came back with my dad, Sam, and Kat.

"Cora!" Kat yelled and ran in, tackling me with a hug, "woah! Calm down Kat, she's still fragile." Colby hissed as she giggled, "I'm sorry. I'm just so glad she's alive. I love you Cora." She said as I attempted to hug her back, only to be stopped by the restraints.

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