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Surprise!!! This chapter contains extremely detailed smut. If you can't handle/don't like that then please skip the chapter hehe enjoy the last of the series you little nasties!

We went out into the kitchen to make a little snack and some tea, since we were both wide awake now from arguing. I also just wanted to spend time with him, since I haven't seen him all day.

"I still feel bad, Cor." Colby said as I grabbed a teabag from the cupboard, "it's really okay, Colby. Yeah it hurt but it wasn't your fault." I said turned to face him as I leaned on the counter. "Let me make it up to you." He said as I giggled, "you already did by letting me sing you my songs." I said as he came up to me putting his hands on my hips.

"No. I want to make it up to you." He said lowly then kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and put my hands on both sides of his face, he pulled my hips so they were flush against his. I gasped, feeling how incredibly hard he was for me.

"Oh!" I yelped in surprise as he grinned at me, "please let me make it up to you baby girl." He said and dug his fingers into my hips. "O-Okay." I whispered as he slowly pulled my shorts down and lowered his lips to my neck. "Okay what?" He asked against my skin. "O-okay daddy." I moaned out as he sucked on my neck.

My head rolled back and a moan left my lips as he smacked my ass, "c-Colby." I whispered and laced my fingers through his hair as he lifted me up onto the counter, "Hmm" he mumbled against my neck as I wrapped my legs around his waist, "I suddenly don't forgive you." I whispered causing him to pull away and look at me with hungry eyes.

"I guess I have to change that then." He said lowly then ripped my shirt off, leaving me in just my panties.

I tightened my legs around his waist feeling the pit in my stomach grow. His pupils dilated as he pulled his own shirt off, he then got down onto his knees and hooked his fingers around the band of my panties so he could slide them off.

"The tea kettle is going to start screaming soon." I mumbled as he pulled me to the end of the counter, "it's okay. So are you." He growled then lowered his head to my heat as I leaned back onto my elbows.

"Oh fuck." I breathed out as he glided his tongue through my folds, keeping his hands wrapped around my legs, "you taste so good baby." He mumbled and kissed my inner thigh as I gasped and closed my legs around his head, begging him to keep going.

"Patience baby girl." He whispered and pulled my legs apart violently, "sorry daddy," I mumbled and let my head hang back as he found my clit. He flicked it with his tongue a couple times before sucking it into his mouth as I wiggled under him, "oh fuck!" I yelled as I felt him squirm against me,

"shhhh be quiet baby girl." He said lowly and yanked me closer to him, before he inserted two fingers inside of me fully.

The tea kettle started to scream but Colby ignored it as he kept working on me, I felt my body start to shake as he inserted his fingers into me, curling them perfectly to hit my g-spot. "OH." I gasped and wiggled, feeling myself unwravel. I quickly brought my hand to my mouth to cover the scream that was rippling through my body.

Right when I was about to cum Colby pulled away, "oh shit, the tea kettle." He said with a smirk then stood up to go take it off the heat as I laid there wimpering, "PLEASE!" I begged and threw my head back.

"Have you learned nothing?" Colby asked with a laugh and pulled the kettle off the stove and watched as I struggled to keep myself together.

"D-daddy...p-please," I begged as he grabbed a glass of water and took a sip, "hmmm...what?" He asked and walked over again, "please let me cum..please daddy." I begged as he laughed and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "not yet," he whispered then cupped my heat which sent shockwaves through my whole body as I screamed out.

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