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"I was thinking about inviting everyone over so we can all celebrate your news." Colby said as we made our way inside, "okay, but I seriously need to take a nap..and practice...oh I need to practice so much, Colby." I said feeling the panic rise.

"Relax babe, you have all the time in the world,
It's gonna be okay." He said and kissed my head after he set Mia on her feet.

"Nap. I need a nap." I said and nodded once as he laughed. "Okay love, enjoy your nap." Colby said as I skipped out of the room and to the bedroom.

When I got into the bed I cuddled into the blankets letting their warmth envelope my body as I drifted to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later to Kat belly laughing, which meant everyone was here now I guess. I swung my legs over the bed and stretched out as a yawn left my lips.

As soon as I stood up I felt the anxiety of telling everyone the news creep up, I don't know why I was so nervous but I could feel my chest tightening even more as I made my way down the hallway.

"She's awake!" Sam yelled happily as I shuffled in, "hi guys, where is everyone else?" I asked, noticing it was just Sam and Kat here.

"They are at home." Kat said with a shrug, "...and where's Colby?" I asked with a laugh, "oh! He's at the store." Kat said as I looked around, "with Mia?" I asked and waved my hands, prompting them to give me more information, "no, she's napping." Sam said as I sat on the couch.

"Right. What are you guys doing here?" I asked and pulled my knees up to my chest. "We just showed up." Kat said as I squinted at them suspiciously,

"alright. I know you're lying but alright." I said as Kat laughed, "okay! Colby told us you have something to tell us and I couldn't wait so we rushed over and you were asleep but now you're awake so tell me!" She said excitedly as I shook my head.

"I'm not telling you yet. I want everyone to hear about it at the same time." I said with a shrug, "A...are you pregnant?" Kat asked causing my heart to drop, "no." I said quietly and shook my head. "I'm sorry..." she said and hugged me, "it's okay Kat. I seem to be the easiest person in the world to get pregnant so that was a good guess." I said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood again.

"Yeah, that's like your special talent." Kat said as she leaned into Sam. "So you and Colby obviously made up but I wanted to apologize too, I'm really sorry we missed your set." Sam said, changing the subject. I smiled at him, "it's okay Sam, really. I know it was out of your control." I said and put my hand on his.

Just then the front door opened and Colby came in holding groceries and a cake in his hand. "Oh hey! You're up!" He exclaimed and put the cake on the counter, "yeah, what did you get at the store?" I asked, "celebration stuff." He said with a shrug as I rolled my eyes,

"alright well is everyone coming over?" I asked with a laugh and stood up to walk to him. "Yeah, they are coming later. How'd you sleep?" Colby asked and kissed my head. "Better than last night." I said quietly as he started unpacking the groceries he had gotten.

"That's good, did you tell Sam and Kat the news?" He asked as Kat scoffed, "no." She grumbled and crossed her arms, "I'm waiting for everyone." I said and shrugged as Mia started crying.

"That's my que." I said and went down the hallway to Mia's room. "Hi sweet girl," I said and pulled her out of the crib, "mama." She mumbled into my shoulder, "yes honey, it's me. Are you hungry?" I asked as she sucked on her thumb. "Hungry." She mumbled and leaned her head on my shoulder, "let's eat then." I said and kissed her head.

When we walked out of the room her face lit up as she sat up straight, "SAMMY! KITTY!" She yelled as I lowered her to the ground so she could run to them, "hi Mia!" Sam exclaimed as he scooped her up into his arms. "Food." She said as I walked over to Colby, who was now sitting on the couch with Kat.

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