Chapter 57 - Fuck

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I felt warm.

I was definitely still naked but I felt a warm body spooning me from behind as I snuggled into the silk sheets bringing them into my chest.

My eyes suddenly jolted open.

Fuck what's the time?...

Chase moaned and lifted his arm off my waist. "It's 10am." He said obviously reading my mind.

"Fuck!" I yelled quickly getting up and putting back on my clothes from last night.

My phone was dead and I could only imagine at least one person was wondering where the hell I was.

"I have to go." I said quickly finishing getting changed.

"Oh." Chase said also laying naked in the bed with the silk sheets only just covering his junk.


"Thanks for last night, I suppose I'll tell you about your quirk later than princess." Chase said with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever." I said closing my eyes and activating my quirk.

I opened them and I was back in my room. I quickly had a shower, got changed into my league gear and put my phone on charge. It was about 11am by the time I surfaced in the warehouse.

"Where have you been sis?" Toga asked skipping over to me.

I looked around and saw Compress, Shigaraki and Twice but not Dabi or Ren... thank god.

"Oh you know..." I said trying to avoid the question.

"Hmm no I don't... that's why I asked." She giggled.

I continued to look a round for Dabi and Ren and Toga must have noticed.

"Oh they went to get the results back from the doctor, you know to see if it's actually Dabi's baby or not." She said playing with her jumper sleeve.

That was quick...

"Oh." I replied still trying not to sound too interested.

Oh god... I can't believe I just fucked Chase... wait who gives a shit... Dabi fucked Ren the other night and lied about it to me... fucking asshole... when he comes back I'm going to confront him...

"Actually I just need to talk to Shigaraki." I said quickly remembering I should tell him what I learnt from Chase last night.

I walked away from Toga and over to Shigaraki who was sitting slouched in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Hey boss." I said cheerfully.

Shigaraki and I didn't really talk all that much, I usually left the talking up to Dabi or compress.

I seemed to break him out of his thoughts as he looked up at me. "(F/N)." He said acknowledging my sudden appearance.

"So I found out some information last night about the Fangs leader, well my father. He was broken out of prison by the Liberation army and is working with them now. Hawks also said the liberation army was after us." I said slightly nervous. "Will we be okay?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"Thanks for the info (F/N)." Shigaraki said with a sigh.

Hmmmm he didn't answer my question...

I dropped the subject and walked back over to Toga.

"Damn you made Shiggy sad." She said pointing over to him.

I looked behind me and saw him take the hand off his face and hold it in his hands.

Yikes... dude needs a Kit-Kat or something...

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