Chapter 66 - Hawkward

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A/N: Hey hey, it's me again! Firstly I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for reading mistakes and voting for the chapters!!

I decided to release another chapter because thanks to you guys this story is #1 in Dabi!!! And almost at 30k reads yayyy!

Also sorry/not sorry for spamming you with chapters... enjoy...


My eyes were heavy but I managed to open them. I was in my room lying on my bed.

I let out a loud moan as I stretched my arms up. I felt the small patch on my cheek covering the cut under my eye. I looked down at my leg in a brace.

"What happened to my leg?" I asked out loud.

Dabi walked into my bedroom. "I didn't think you'd wake up so soon." He smirked.

"Wait what happened? I remember fighting Chase and then ..... nothing." I said trying to recall what happened.

Dabi cringed slightly. "Yeah he stood on your leg and broke it. But the doc fixed it up for you. He said you'll only have to wear that brace for another couple of days."

I shock my head. "No way, if I broke it I'll be in this for months... right?" I asked looking down at my leg. "Unless... he didn't replace my leg with like a nomu leg or something?? Did he??" I said quickly starting to panic.

Dabi chuckled. "No, where do you get all of these crazy ideas from seriously. I assure you it's your original leg, I dono what he does to make it heal so quickly but he didn't replace it."

I let out a sigh of relief and relaxed back into the bed.

"Just relax, Toga or I will be back to check on you later." Dabi said as he was about to leave.

I'm hoping it's mush as I love Toga...

"Wait Dabi!" I yelled.

He let out an annoyed moan and turned his head back.

"I'm sorry, I really though I had killed Chase when I shot him. But I missed, he's alive and he..." I said quickly, Not remembering I had already said something similar.

Dabi walked back over and sat on the bed next to me causing me to get flustered and lose my train of thought.

The last thing I remembered was getting hit into the glass bottle and watching Chase point a gun at me.

"He hit my head into some glasses and then I can't really remember...." My voice was cut off by Dabi's lips as they pressed to mine.

They were warm. His hand cupped my cheek as he gently pulled off me. "He won't be bothering you anymore. We got him, now please just get some rest." Dabi said as he left.

Woahhh... what else happened that I don't remember...

I wanted him to stay but I had somehow lost the ability to talk. I traced my fingers over my lips after he left.

He... he kissed me...

I fell back asleep and the next morning Toga came to visit me bright and early. She made me some breakfast and we chatted while we watched some junk on TV.

"And then you must have jabbed a pen into his neck at some point." She chuckled as she reenacted where I had stabbed the pen.

I looked at her in disbelief. "I don't think I would have jabbed a pen in his neck Toga. Maybe it was already there." I joked.

She laughed again. "Trust me sis you were in full survival mode. Then Dabi was all like your not my friend then he burnt him to a crisp." She said dusting her hands off.

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