Chapter 51 - I'm a Mess

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When I awoke I was in my new apartment alone on my bed.

A small bandage was stuck over my self inflicted knife wound and I had a headache from the hangover.

I tried to sit up and with a loud grunt I managed to pull myself up. My clothes were covered in blood and I still had my shoes on from last night. If Dabi had taken me home he must have bandaged me and left.

I hopped into the shower to try and wash the blood off my body. I ended up sitting on the floor letting the water fall over me as I thought.

I heard my phone go off on the bathroom sink. I turned off the shower and got out to grab it. It was Shigaraki. He wanted us down at the base in 5.

I quickly got changed into my league clothes and brushed my wet hair leaving it air dry.

I opened my door to leave when the door opposite me also opened. Dabi took a step out and held the door open for Ren to walk out. His eyes widened when he saw me.

But my face fell when I saw them.

"Oh you got to be fucking kidding me." I said slamming my door shut as I stormed off down the stairs.

Outta all the fucking rooms they could have picked, they pick the one opposite me... fuck them...

I practically ran down the stairs and into the warehouse to avoid Dabi and Ren.

"(F/N)!" Toga yelled cheerfully.

I gave her a grunt and a wave while I stood next to her.

Dabi and Ren walked in. Dabi walked next to her not close but close enough to continue to bother me with his hands in his pockets. Ren walked around like she owned the place and gave me a smirk when we made eye contact.

Bitch... if she wasn't pregnant I would...

"Oh that's a cute necklace by the way, looks super expensive." Toga winked at me. "Did ya steal it?"

Huh?... I don't wear necklaces...

I looked down and saw the necklace I found in Dabi's draw the other day.

Oh fuck no... fucking asshole Dabi...

I knelt down in front of Toga and showed her the back of my neck. "Can you take it off please." I asked pulling my hair to the side.

She had a look and shook her head. "It's melted together. How did you even get it on?"


I rolled my eyes and stood back up grabbing the necklace trying to pull it off and break it somehow. But we all know how weak I am...

"Fucking Dabi." I said quietly as I struggled pulling the necklace.

I looked over to Dabi as he smirked watching me try and remove the necklace. I let out a loud groan as I continued to pull at the necklace.

"Right, thanks for coming so quickly everyone. You should all be moved in by now so we will start gathering the rest of our followers here for meetings. But I have some special jobs for each of you now." He said clearing his throat.

I was trying to listen this time, I really was. But I couldn't keep my eyes off Ren and Dabi. She didn't even look pregnant. Dabi spoke up and I snapped out of my trance.

"I can't, I was going to visit the doc with Ren." He said with a sigh flicking his head over to Ren who stood there practically glowing.

This was what you wanted all along wasn't it Ren... bitch...

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