Chapter 4 - A Girl Like You

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The first club we went to was way to busy to even get a drink so we ended up at a quieter one further down the street.

"It's soooo late (F/N), I gotta head home." Jasmine said slightly drunk.

"Noooooooooo." I said attaching onto her arm. "Who am I gonna talk too without you?" I said also slightly drunk.

"You'll be fine, stay safe." She said kissing my forehead as she stumbled out of the club.

I let out a sigh and return to the bar to get another drink. I quickly down it and head out of the club. I walk down the alley when I spy the club I went to the other night. It was clearly labeled as a strip club, I just must have been way too drunk the other night to even notice.

Curiosity got the better of me and I line up and head inside again.

The place looked different slightly creepier if possible. There was a different girl bar tending and I gave her a smile when she gave me a drink. I had already gone through some of the cash I had gotten for the ring I just pawned but I didn't really care.

I walk over to open booth and slide into the seat putting the drink down on the table in the middle. I look over at the girls dancing.

"Okay I think I've hit an all time low." I said to myself looking back over to my drink.

I sat there for a while longer until my drink was almost finished when I hear someone talk to me.

"For someone that doesn't work here you sure are here a lot." Dabi said sliding into the seat opposite me. He slid a drink over to me next to my almost empty glass.

"Thanks," I said ignoring his first comment.

"So what's a girl like you doing here anyway?" He asked taking a sip of his beer.

"A girl like me? What's that supposed to mean." I said slightly defensive.

"Shit don't get your g-string in a twist," he chuckled. "I just mean you don't strike me as the type to hang out at a strip club all weekend.

"I wasn't here last night." I said quickly.

"I know," he replied taking another sip.

"Did ya miss me?" I said playing with the straw in my drink.

"You still didn't answer my question." He said avoiding mine.

"I've just had a shit week, that's all." I Said taking a long sip from my drink. I pause. "You didn't do anything to this did you?" I asked cautiously.

Dabi laughed, "I don't need to drug you to have my way with you again." He said confidently. "So what was so shit about your week?" He asked changing the subject back.

"Lost my job and caught my fiancé cheating on me." I said tossing the straw aside and finishing my drink.

"Oh that explained the urge you had to get laid the other night. Looking for some revenge sex? I normally don't hit the same one twice but it willing to make an exception for you." He said with a wink.

I take a minute to digest what he just said. I could feel a part of me getting excited by his words.

"Wow, how generous of you." I said sarcastically. "If you really wanna help me, how about helping me find a job." I said rolling my eyes and looking back to my empty drink.

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