Chapter 15 - Zero Feelings Attached 🍋

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My face slammed against the van wall with his thrust. I quickly put my hands up on the wall to brace myself.

"Ouch that's gonna leave a mark." Dabi said as he continued to push himself in and out of me keeping a steady rhythm.

That hurt, I think that was the same spot I hit the pervert in the head.

I could feel the van rocking with his movement.

Seriously though why can't I say no to this guy...

He pulled out and I quickly got up and turned around to face him. I aggressively pushed him to the van floor and mounted him. I pushed our lips back together and felt down to guide him back inside me.

We both let out a moan when we re-connected. I felt his dick start to pulse inside me. Knowing he was getting close I break the kiss and sat up on him slowly bouncing up and down.

He grabbed my hips and helped push me up and down on him. I placed my hands on my stomach and slowly glided them up to my breasts and started to play with them.

He let out a moan and gripped onto my hips harder digging his fingers into me. "Shit!" He said through a moan.

I gave him a smirk and pulled his hands off my hips so I could pull off him. I crawled back down so my lips were back hovering over his dick.

"So I don't have any panties to get home in, so your gonna have to cum in here." I said seductively pointing to my mouth.

He gave me a smirk back. "Then stop wasting time." He said grabbing the back of my head and slamming it down onto his dick.

I gagged at the force and speed he was moving my head at. I again started to feel him pulse inside my mouth. He bucked his hips into my face as his hand started to lose grip from behind my head. He lifted his head up off the van floor so he could watch me.

He let out a moan as I felt him shoot his load down the back of my throat with the rest filling up my mouth. I quickly pulled off him so I could swallow his load that was in my mouth. I wiped the rest of the saliva off my mouth and sat up beside him.

He let his head hit the floor of the van as he let out another loud moan. He lay there for a moment to catch his breath and I continued to sit next to him doing the same.

The burns that covered his body looked painful but I was still too nervous to ask what they were from. Even though his body was covered in scars he still looked hot as hell. Which was good because I would be joining him in hell soon...

"You didn't go then did ya?" He asked knowing that I didn't orgasim.

"Yeah I did." I lied.

Okay for real though, that was the last time. I promise...

He finally got up and started to put his clothes back on. "You know he would have just kept doing that if we didn't kill him. He would have just kept adding girls to that phone, making his list bigger and bigger."

I stayed quiet and went to put my own clothes on. I put my bra and crop top back and pick up my jeans realising i would have to go commando after my g-string incident. I pulled the jeans on and boots followed by the leather jacket.

"Does that really make what we did right though?" I asked quietly.

"Depends who you ask." Dabi said with his bored tone again. He opened the back doors for us both to get out. "Since it's just us two left we can just ride in the front."

He got into the drivers seat and I got into the passengers seat. He started up the van and we started to drive off in silence. I was deep in my thoughts thinking about tonight's events and if I could really continue to do this.

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