Chapter 9 - Kink 🍋

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His touch sends goosebumps down my spine and I arched my back slightly.

Oh god this was hot... not to mention a total kink of mine...

I bit my bottom lip and nodded at him. I look up and notice he had used his shirt to tie my hands up. Suddenly I feel him pull down my panties throwing them across the room. He then roughly pulls one of my legs out and using his belt he quickly tied it to one corner of the bed.

Man times like this make me wish I didn't have a king size bed...

My heart was still racing and my breathing become unsteady. He pulled my other leg and used his pants to tie it to the opposite side.

"Now your all mine." Dabi said hungrily with a smirk.

My sex life with Alex was nothing like this..

He climbed back on top of me and placed a finger in between my breasts over my bra. I felt a warm touch and noticed he had burnt my bra off. Again another expensive piece of clothing.

He aggressively pulled it to the side ripping the straps off and completely taking it off me. He grabbed one of my breasts and started to give it a squeeze. His fingers massaged it softly before moving to the nipple. He pinched it slightly rolling it in his fingers. He continued to do this as he moved further up me sitting up on his knees either side of me over my stomach.

I let out a quiet moan and quickly bite down on my bottom lip again. He grabs himself with his other hand and starts to pump his dick.

"I'm starting to think you like doing this rough shit." He said continuing to touch himself and my boob. "Did your ex ever get you off like this?"

I shock my head unable to talk. I was just focused on keeping my breathing steady. I was so turned on by this.

He let go of himself and my breast pushing his body up to once again lay over me. He towered over me and I tried to move my legs but I was tied too tightly. My legs were really stretched open when he slowly ran his hand down from my lips over my breasts and down my stomach making its way to my heat.

His finger ran across my opening collecting the juices that had started to flow out. He crawled down so his head was in between my legs as he sucked the juices off his finger.

"You taste so good babe." He said softly so we didn't wake jasmine.

"Holy shit, I need you to fuck me right now." I said feeling myself getting impatient. This was seriously turning me on way too much.

A smirk grew across his face as he grabbed the inside of both of my thighs giving them a squeeze. He pulled his head down to my heat and I could feel his warm breath on me.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"Tell me how bad you want it babe." He said pressing and moving his lips over me.

I moaned slightly louder than before unable to control my volume. "Please... please fuck me. I want you so bad."

I felt a bead of sweat drip off my forehead as I tried to buck my hips into his head. He moved away slightly to tease me more. "What's the hurry babe, I wanna enjoy my meal." He said rubbing his fingers over my entrance playing with me.

I moved my hips with his fingers hoping they would make their way inside me when he finally pushed two in. He twisted them around and used his thumb to run circles over my clit.

I continue to push my hips into his hand as I feel another finger enter me. He starts to pump in and out and I feel him bite down on the inside of my thigh.

I moan louder again as I feel him start sucking making little hickies up my thigh. This was too much, I didn't know how much longer I could hold out.

He knew I was close and he pulled his fingers out of me replacing them with his mouth. He began to softly suck before shoving his tongue inside me.

"Dabi I'm.." I said bucking my hips again. "I'm gonna cum." I tried to move my legs closer together but they were stuck wide apart.

His hand reached up and started playing with my breast again. I continued to moan as his tongue continued to pump in and out of me.

I hit the climax of my orgasm and cum onto his tongue. He continued sucking me for a little longer ensuring I had finished ridding out my orgasm. He pushes off me and climbs up me.

"Fuck you taste good." He said licking his lips.

I was completely out of breath already but I knew he still needed his own release. I saw his dick hover over my entrance dripping with pre cum. He grabs it and rubs it over my entrance causing me to uncontrollably thrash around still tied to the bed.

He pushed it down harder still rubbing it across my slit mixing our juices together. He pushed it down deeper just getting the tip in before pulling out.

"Oh please Dabi, just fuck me already." I said trying to move my legs again.

He shoved it inside me roughly causing me to scream out with pleasure.

Fuck I hope Jas didn't hear that.

He increased his pace and deepened his thrusts. Each thrust caused me to moan louder and louder. He slammed himself inside me making me take his full length knowing that I couldn't try and push away.

"Shit." Dabi said as his movements started to become sloppy.

He started to suck on one of my tits while he used his hand to play with the other.

Why has he gotta be so damn good at this.

He suddenly pulled out and crawled up me shoving his dick in my mouth. My hands were still tied and I couldn't push off me. He started to pump into my mouth making me deep throat him causing me to gag.

"Fuck yeah, you gonna swallow this load?" He asked while grabbing a handful of my hair.

He pushed my head further onto him holding himself in me the whole way as I feel his load hit the back of my throat. He looks down at me while he finishes. My eyes started to water as my mouth filled up with him.

I tried to swallow some while he was still inside me, he was still twitching as he finally finished. He slowly pulled out of my mouth and watched me swallow the remaining cum. He wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes and untied my hands and legs.

He got changed back into his clothes and was about to leave before he paused at my door. I propped myself up on my elbows still completely out of breath.

"We're meeting at the bar tomorrow night, I'll text you the time and address." He opened the door and looked out to ensure jasmine didn't come out. He paused again looking back at me still spread over the bed.

"I like a girl who can swallow." He said winking at me before leaving and closing the door behind him.

I hear him open and close the front door and let out a sigh.

"I'm gonna regret that tomorrow aren't I." I said softly to myself.

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