Chapter 39 - The Present

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It was early, maybe too early but I got up anyway too excited about my plan to stay in bed any longer. I had a shower and looked through my clothes for something to wear. I pulled out the vibrator and read the instructions.

"Oh makes sense I have to clean it first." I said softly reading the instructions.

I cleaned the vibrator and hid it back into my pantie draw.

Okay now to convince Dabi to come out to dinner tonight, wait I need something to wear tonight too.... Maybe I could ask Toga to go shopping, no wait she's with overdouche.... ughhh

I watched tv until Dabi woke up. He walked in completely ignoring me and got himself some breakfast.

"Heyyyyyyy... youuuuuuu...." I said turning to face him on the couch.

He paused at the fridge and turned around to face me. "Oh god, what do you want now?" He asked annoyed already.

"Can't I just say hey without wanting anything?" I asked with a sweet smile.

He rolled his eyes and continued to look through the fridge.

"Well actually there is one thing I was going to ask you." I said hopping up and walking to lean over the kitchen counter all seductively.

He's really not giving anything away that it's his birthday today .... lucky I saw the calendar...

He slammed the fridge shut and met me on the opposite side of the counter. "Here we go." He said rolling his eyes again.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight, you know at a villain place of course." I asked leaning over to try and get closer to his face.

He raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment. "That actually sounds like a good idea..."

My face lit up.

"I've been trying to meet up with someone from the black market for a while now. Okay I'll organise everything  just be ready to leave around 6pm yeah?." Dabi said shattering my plans instantly.

My face immediately dropped.

"Sure the more the merrier..." I said jumping off the table and grabbing my bag. "Right I'm going to the shops." I said closing my eyes and using my quirk before he could say otherwise.

Right I need something super hot to wear... something that says get rid of this black market loser and fuck me.... yeah I'll just ask for that...

I walked through the shops trying in clothes as I went. Nothing seemed to tick all the boxes so I continued to look.

"Oh my god Jessica look!!!" I heard a teenage girl squeal. "That's the number two hero Hawks!!!!" She squealed loud enough for me to turn my head.

"Well technically he's not the number two yet." The other girl said.

I rolled my eyes and looked around not able to see anyone that resembled a hero until I saw a red winged hero touch down in front of the two girls. They were about a car length away from me.

Fuck! That's the asshole from the interrogation room...considering I completely bailed on them I probably should try to not get myself recognised...

I made a beeline for the nearest shop not really looking at what it was. I got inside and looked out the window. He chatted to them for a while and continued to walk through the street.

"You admiring the red piece babe, it would look totes amaze balls on you." I heard a man say behind me. He sounded feminine though...

"Ohhh!" I said quickly realising I was leaning on a manikin wearing a really hot red lingerie set. "Sorry, Hey that is cute.." I said taking my hands off the manikin and looking at it.

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