Chapter 104 - An Awful idea

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Machia got up and began to walk us out of the base past the hero's.

"Wait!" Dabi yelled climbing up to Machia's face. "We need Skeptic."

A low rumble came from Machia. "Boss wants league only." It said only slightly better at talking than a high end nomu.

"Yeah, and we need Skeptic." Dabi said patting its head. "Trust me, boss wants Skeptic."

Machia growled again and looked around on the ground for Skeptic. His hand shot down and pulled up a fist over his back. His hand opened up and Skeptic fell out with his laptop in hand.

Spinner ran around and tried to catch him before he hit the sharp rocks.

Skeptic was a mess ... and that was being kind. His body was shaking and his eyes were wide but he wasn't really looking at anything in particular, he was just in shock.

"Re-Destro, we need to get master Re-Destro." He managed to say as he looked around at us standing on machias back.

Dabi knelt down to Skeptic and shook his head. "Re-Destro's fine." He said flicking him a USB. "I need you to do me a favour." Dabi smirked.

Machia stood up straight and began to run with speed through the wall of hero's blocking the exit. He bowled through them and continued down the hill towards the city.

"Wait! The hospitals not this way!" I yelled down to Machia.

Machi tilted his head slightly to respond as he kept running. "This way...." he growled.

Okay... sure... You do you big guy...

"Can you edit it and broadcast it now?" Dabi asked looking at Skeptics laptop.

Skeptic seemed more calm now, I guess he was glued to his screen as he frantically pushed the keys. "Of course I can..." he spat like it was a challenge. "You really should have given me more notice though." He said under his breath.

Please don't be a sex tape of us....

"Everyone!" Mr compress yelled swiftly pointing behind us. "Grab onto something quickly, brace yourselves!"

Dabi lunged back and roughly grabbed my arm predicting I wouldn't react fast enough. And he wasn't wrong...

Machia's body jolted and fell to the ground. Toga and I screamed at the slight free fall. I twisted my arm in dabi's so I could cling onto his forearm. He pulled me into his chest so when we eventually hit the ground I wasn't hitting Machia's rough back.

I turned and looked behind us. There was some kind of tree branch that seemed to be aimed towards us. Attached to that branch I noticed a couple of hero's flying towards us. Dabi spun me off him and stood up shooting a flame out to the hero's.

Skeptic and the others regained their composure while he continued to frantically glide his fingers over the keys.

Machia's body shuffled again as he began to get up. His arm reach out behind him as we all fell from his back. He caught us and this time and gently placed us back atop his back.

Spinner walked over to Skeptic and knelt down next to him. "Can you find Shigaraki?" He asked with growing concern.

Skeptic didn't look up but he flicked through the hundreds of tabs on his screen brining up some street security footage. "He should be around here somewhere, one of the cameras picked him up before."

Spinner let out a sigh of relief and leaned back. "Thank god."

Toga leaned forward and kind of pushed skeptic out of the way. "Wait, go back to that last frame!" She yelled.

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