Chapter 96 - Anything 🍋

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A/N: Mistakes just got over 100K reads thank you all so much!! Also thanks for the recommendation on Tiktok from one of our reader friends 🥰🥰 feeling the love over here.

I love reading all your comments and messages so please keep sending them 🥰

To thank you guys I thought I would surprise you with another chapter ... I feel like we all needed a bit of a lemon to lighten the mood. Enjoy!


Oh god... I've done it again... made him think of a painful memory... but wait about condoms or kids?...

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... wait what did I say wrong." I asked. "It's not fair, I feel like I'm treading on eggshells when I'm talking to you like I don't even know what to say. What's off limits and what's okay?"

"It's okay, you don't need to be sorry. I'm not mad and I know it's hard for you. I promise I'll help you remember." He said with a cold sigh. His hands dug into the sheets as he clenched his fists. "But for right now I need you to trust me."

He spoke to me and I already knew I would trust this man with my life.

"We don't need to worry about a condom and i swear to god if I don't fuck you in the next 5 minutes I'm going to explode." He said taking in a deep breath.

"Ohh, okay. I trust you." I smiled back as I lay on the bed.

"I'll try and go slow. Just speak up if it's too much." Dabi said as he removed my g-string.

My breath became shaky as his hand pulled the material down my legs. He was so delicate and gentle with me, like I was made of glass and might break at any second. I got goosebumps as his fingers traced down my leg with the fabric only adding to my nerves.

This may not be my first time.... but it fucking feels like it...

Seriously though why is everything so sensitive.....

"Dabi.... I ..." before I could say anything his lips pressed to mine.

He tasted so good, better than the other night even. We kissed as if we had done it hundreds of times before, like our bodies knew exactly what to do. Our lips parted and our tongues touched lightly at first, everything just felt so gentle. I wrapped my arms around his neck and locked one of my hands into his hair pulling him deeper into the kiss.

His hips pressed down on me and I felt his hard erection push onto my clit. I let out a low moan into his mouth and bit down on his bottom lip.

Oh god I just want him inside me...

"Fuck babe, I just want to be inside you." Dabi moaned into my mouth like he just read my mind.

I felt my core tighten at his words as if I was ready for him.

"Please Dabi, I'm ready." I moaned back into his lips.

He lifted his lips off mine and ran his hands down under my thighs pulling them up so my knees were bent and spreading them apart.

"Spread your legs a bit wider babe." Dabi said running his hands over my thighs.

A light whimper escapes my lips as he continues to run his warm hands over my thighs. I had been longing for this human contact for so long, and now that I was getting it... it was too much.

I obeyed and spread my legs out wider as I looked up at Dabi on top of me.

"Good girl. Now if you could maybe not talk from now on as well, I think that will really help my endurance here." He chuckled.

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