Chapter 12 - My First Mission

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I lifted the glass to my lips and tilted my neck back. The liquid poured down my throat and I quickly swallowed it before I could take in its taste.

I placed the glass back down on the bar and pushed it back to Kurogiri who topped it up with the same drink again. I looked up and him and raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like you could use another one for now." He said as he finished pouring the shot.

I pulled the glass in closer to me and looked at my reflection in the liquid.

"Alright everyone," I heard the Boss say loudly to stop the quiet chatter.

"That's Tomura Shigaraki, our leader." Kurogiri said quietly to me.

I looked up from my glass at Kurogiri and then to Shigaraki.

"Tonight's targets are the Fukomi brothers. They run a crime syndicate on the east side." Shigaraki continued.

Great ... let's hang out with some more mafia villain thugs while we are at it.

"We're going to attend a party they are hosting tonight and see if they are interested in joining us." He said before removing the hand on his face. "If they do want to join us we will let them be, if they aren't so willing to join us we will take out the two brothers and assume control that way." He said with a chuckle.

He knows I'm useless and can't fight right? Plus I've already used my quirk today to escape those hero's. Maybe I can sit this one out.

"Dabi, Spinner and Twice you three will be back up and remain close by the party if things go south." He said before turning to face me. "(F/N) and Compress you two will be my eyes inside and be undercover as party guests."

Shit ... wait if all I have to do is drink and dance that's not too bad, I can do that.

"You two will ask the brothers if they are wanting to join us. Now Toga, Magne, Kurogiri and myself will raid their actual base." He finished looking around the room. "Any questions?" He asked while getting up out of his chair.

Omg so many questions .... but am I gonna ask them ... of course not.

I picked up the drink and downed it before following the rest of the rest of the group out of the bar and down the alley.

What am I doing... I'm not like these people, and I don't share the same ideals as them ... do I?

Compress come up next to me and places a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump and snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you there." He said calmly removing his hand off my shoulder. "So we have a pretty easy job." He smiled at me.

Yeah easy for you to say...

"Oh that's good to hear, I'm actually a bit nervous. So we just need to ask those brothers if they want to join the league of villains?" I asked him.

"Basically, we can do it together though. You can leave the talking to me if you want." He said still smiling.

"That would be great actually." I said continuing to walk with the group as we neared the end of the alley.

I looked over and noticed Dabi looking at me before he swiftly looked away when he noticed me glance his way.

I looked back down at my clothes. "Do we need to change into something more... appropriate for a party?" I asked compress.

"Glad you asked, yes we have some clothes in the back of the van to get changed into." He said as we continued to walk till we got to the vans.

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