Chapter 63 - Surprise

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A/N: Happy Belated New Year everyone!

Hope you are all staying safe, the last chapter was a bit shorter than usual so here's another... enjoy!!

Thanks again for reading my story I hope your all enjoying it :)


I stood there with as much sass as I could muster considering how tired I was.

"I thought you were struggling to move." I said rolling my eyes.

Dabi put his hand up on the door frame to help keep himself up. "Yeah maybe I was being slightly over dramatic." He chuckled rubbing his neck with his other hand.

I frowned. "Well looks like your fine now. Good night Dabi." I said closing the door on him.

He managed to keep it open with his hand. I stopped the door before I crushed his hand and opened it partially.

"What." I said emotionlessly.

Dabi let out a sigh and looked around the apartment to make sure no one else was around. "Thanks." He said quietly as he let go of the door frame and hobbled over to his room.

I fully opened the door and watched him walk to his room. "Your welcome!" I yelled so the others could hear.

I closed the door and walked back over to the bottle I was about to drink. My hand played with the cap on the bottle before I put it down and walked into the bathroom to have a shower instead.


After that day we were on high alert and practically on house arrest as ordered by Shigaraki for our own safety of course...The fangs and the liberation army were working together to eliminate us, plus I killed Chase.

Another 6 weeks past and I was practically living in my room bored out of my brain. I was tempted a few times to have a drink or talk to Dabi but I decided against it. We were kinda in a good place... well I mean as good as me sleeping with his ex friend after Dabi told me he loved me and then killing that ex friend... yeah as good a place as that could be.

I mean I actually had only talked to him a handful of times since he said thanks. It was pretty basic conversation. It kinda hurt, we were so close until i fucked it. I spent the night at Togas last night watching chick flicks before dragging myself home (literally next door).

It was the next morning. I let out a moan and flopped back into the sheets.

Maybe I should actually do something today... maybe I'll see if Togas out...

I got up and stuck my head out onto my balcony to see if Toga was awake yet. Her door was shut and the blinds were closed.

I guess not...

I closed the door and spun around quickly. I instantly felt light headed and fell to the floor.

What the heck...

I sat on the floor and took a few deep breaths. "What the hell happened then." I chuckled as I got up slowly and walked to the kitchen.

Maybe I'm just hungry...

I made myself some toast and sat at the small table in my room resting my head in my arms as I ate. It took me a while to eat the toast, longer than usual.

What's wrong with me.... ugh feels like I'm hung over.... but I didn't drink...

I got up and went to clean my plate when I felt the toast start to make its way back up my throat.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now