Chapter 33 - Morning Wood 🍆

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The four of us walked over to the booth. When we got to them I walked over to the girl and lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

"You might wanna clear outta here hun." I whispered to her as she quickly left the booth.

I took her seat opposite them and looked at Daniel and Hayden.

"Remember me boys?" I asked with a smirk.

They paused for a moment until Daniel recognised me. "Oh shit, your that girl that got away from us." Daniel said obviously forgetting my name.

"Yeah, I go by Enchantress now. I just wanted you guys to meet my new friends." I said while the others came into view.

Dabi blocked the boys exit out of the booth and put his foot up on the chair they were sitting at.

I put my elbows up on the table and propped my head up with my hands. "I just have a couple of questions before they beat you up." I said with a chuckle.

The two boys looked stunned. "Your... your league members aren't you?" Hayden said clearly intimidated by us.

"Bingo." Dabi said keeping his foot on the chair as he leaned towards them.

"We... we didn't know." Daniel said softly.

"You said you were going to sell us that night? What did you mean by that and who were you selling us too?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Hayden paused and looked over to Dabi again.

"The pretty girl asked you a question bud. Better answer her quick." Dabi said throwing a flaming hand down on the table.

The two boys jumped at his sudden movement.

"The Fangs, that's who we work for." Daniel said with a shakeup voice.

Hayden hit him under the table as if to stop him from telling us anymore. Daniel shock his head as if to ignore Hayden's subtle hint.

"They ... they sell women. We just deliver the women to them. That's all we do." He said lifting his hands off the table defensively.

"And what do they do with these women, sell to who and why? I asked bluntly.

"They ugh..." Daniel looked over again to Dabi who was clearly not letting them leave. "They sell women for illegal quirk marriages. They get more money when the women have either no quirks or powerful quirks. You know, cause that way you can either keep a quirk line pure or try to make a strong hybrid child." He paused for a moment and gulped. "The... the Fangs they run the east cartel... they'll kill you if you hurt us." He said trying to sound brave.

Ahhhhhh so that's why they wanted to sell us ... Wait east cartel, east cartel ... why does that sound so familiar...

"Right." I said getting up out of the seat. "I've heard enough. Karmas a bitch boys, you fucked with the wrong girls."

"Wait! We're sorry, just please don't..." Daniel said before Hayden spoke up.

He locked eyes with Dabi. "You really wanna start shit with the fangs over some stupid bitch." Hayden said pointing at me.

"You bet we do! Your gonna wish you didn't just call her stupid, stupid." Twice yelled

"Ouch, next time you slam my head into the wall better make sure I'm dead... oh wait there won't be a next time for you..." I said leaving the table giving them a little wave.

"I'll see you in hell some day fellas." Dabi said as he set them alight.

The screams of Daniel and Hayden filled the club as the rest of the people ran out hoping they wouldn't be out next targets.

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