Chapter 50 - Mistress

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The room went silent.

Did she just say she was pregnant... this has to be some kinda cruel joke... right...

I took a step back to look at Dabi's face. He looked at the ground like he was deep in thought.

"I'm 7 or 8 weeks, I only just found out." Ren said quietly breaking the awkward silence.

Seven or eight weeks soooo that would mean this happened before he met me...right?...wait I dono...still that's fucked...

"Im sorry I didn't mean to make you chose between me and her." Ren said looking over to me now.

I stayed silent and looked at Dabi. He was speechless.

Has Dabi really got nothing to say...

I started to laugh awkwardly. "Clearly he cant chose so I'll make the choice for him." I looked over to Dabi as he finally lifted his gaze from the ground to meet mine. "He's all yours Ren." I said coldly.

I closed my eyes and activated my quirk.

I could just hear Dabi talk as I did so. "(F/N), wait!" His voice said faintly as I left.

I really just wanted to get the fuck out of there. I opened them and I was in Dabi's bedroom.

I waisted no time and quickly packed up all of my belongings angrily shoving them into my bag. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I did so.

That fucking asshole... he couldn't say anything back there... nothing...after everything we've been through...

I felt my heart begin to race and my body start to shake. I ripped through the rooms and took anything of mine shoving it into the bags.

As I was packing I came across the fire proof clothes he gave me. I held them for a moment before shoving them into the bin.

Am I over reacting?... no if anything I'm being slightly calm about this whole thing right?...

I got changed into some casual clothes, just some shorts and a shirt with some sneakers. When I was pulling my top down I spotted the brand of the Roman numerals Dabi burnt on me.

I paused for a moment until I heard someone knock at the door. I angrily made my way over to the door.

I swear to god if this is Dabi ill...

I swung open the door and saw a small girl standing there. It was Toga.

"Hey!" She said cheerfully.

I rubbed the back of my hand under my eyes to remove the tears. "Oh hey." I said awkwardly trying not to sob.

I noticed she had a couple of bags sling over her shoulder and one on her back.

"I ugh.. wanted to see if you wanted to move into the new base with me today?" She asked with a smile.

I was really just trying to hold it together. I tried to smile back. "Thanks Toga, that sounds great. Give me one more minute." I said running back in to grab my bags.

I went through the draws one more time to ensure I didn't forget anything. I opened Dabi's draw and saw something I hadn't seen before.

It was a box. Like something you would keep jewellery in. I picked it up and opened it. It was a necklace. The chain was diamonds that ran down into a point with the centrepiece being a sapphire gem. It matched Dabi's eyes. It was so beautiful.

Was he going to give this to me?...

My heart sank as I threw it back into the draw and closed it angrily. I walked back out to Toga with my bags.

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