Chapter 86 - Did you just say ...

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"Language!! And lay back down!" A guard yelled running closer to me.

"Sorry that was my fault, maybe that was rude of me to say. The whole being excited bit, I mean your in prison after all." The nurse said removing her gloves.

My mouth was agape and I couldn't seem to form any words.

"Inmate lay back down." The guard said again placing a hand on my chest.

"Please be gentle with her." The nurse said concerned.

"No,no.... no no no... noooopeeee!" I said laying back on the bed obeying the guards.

"Are you... are you okay?" The nurse asked.

"Am I pregnant?" I asked leaning my head up again to look at her.

Her facial expression changed, she looked mortified.

I quickly read the answer to my question on her face. "Ohhhhh fuck....." I said violently slamming my head back onto the bed.

"Inmate! Stop! If we have to ask you again..." the guard said pushing her hand down on my chest preventing me from moving.

"Wait, please don't hurt her. She's obviously just found out she's pregnant. Please just don't hurt her." The nurse pleaded with the guards.

I feel sick...

"This true inmate? You really didn't know?" The guard asked chuckling as she began shaking her head.

I didn't even have any symptoms... nothing....

"How.. how far along am I?" I asked ignoring the guard.

The nurse quickly grabbed the clipboard and flipped through the pages. "Somewhere around 7-12 weeks according to your blood tests. I'm so sorry I had assumed you were already aware."

Sooooo this was the current situation they were talking about.... not the whole missing quirk business..... and fuck I'm the pregnant lady the women in the shower were talking about... FUCK!...

"I wasn't sure if that quirk erasing drug you had would impact your unborn baby. To be honest we still aren't too sure, I'm sorry I wish I had some better news for you." She said looking down at her shoes. "This is why we have been having these check ups. I thought this was all explained to you, I'm so so sorry, you must be so confused." She said fumbling around with her gear.

I felt tears flow from my eyes.

Dabi.... I just want to be with Dabi.... please....

"I... I can't breath...." I gasped and tried to move my hands up to my neck.

The restraints however held them to the bed firmly.

"Please let her get up and put her clothes on." The nurse pleaded to the guards.

They hesitated before unchaining me letting me stand up from the bed. I pulled the jumpsuit on and almost had it completely zipped up when I stopped.

"I still can't breath. I need fresh air." I said collapsing to the floor.

The nurse lunged forward to grab me but the guards pulled her back. One of the guards pulled me back up to my feet. I clutched my hands around my neck and began to run my fingers down it.

Wait where's the necklace.....

"We need to take her back to her cell." The guard holding me said.

The other guard came over and reattached the restraints.

"But... I still had some more tests to do...." the nurse said softly.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now