Chapter 35 - Wet dream 🍋

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I was in crisis mode in the back of a van cornered by three men. Well two men and a younger boy... who had kidnapped me to sell me off to my parents for 8 Million.

Wait if they are just taking me to my parents that's not so bad... I'll just leave ....

I was trying to think back to the wanted poster trying to work out how I could escape.

Omg that's it!

I looked around the van and spotted a box cutter sliding on the floor in the back with me. If I timed it correctly I could bend down and pick it up.

I waited for the right chance and ducked down.

Pitty it was completely out of time because I was completely hammered drunk. I stumbled along the floor of the van feeling around for the box cutter.

The three men stood awkwardly and watched me in all my drunken glory.

Once I found it I held it to my neck. "Right! Stand back!! If you don't let me go I'll kill .... me... yea that's its." I said swaying hardcore... not because of the van.

They looked slightly confused.

"You need me alive to collect the bounty assholes. Can't collect that bounty if I'm dead." I taunted waving the box cutter in my hand.

The van stopped suddenly and I dropped the knife launching forward into the men. One grabbed my arms pinning them behind my back and the other two went for my legs.

I started to scream and tried to kick them as they restrained me. I felt a sting and looked down at my leg. The young boy had injected a syringe into me.

"Fuck.... you... stupid .......... kid." I said slowly.

I tried to kick him off  as he was doing it. I managed to get him to stumble back but the damage was already done. My movements became weaker as I succumbed to the drugs flowing through my body.

My eyes closed and my body went limp.


I opened my eyes softly.

I was laying on a bed. Dabi's bed...

Thank god... he must have already saved me...

"Dabi?" I asked looking around the room.

"Yeah?" Dabi said casually walking into the room.

I jumped up and hugged him pulling myself into his chest. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened. One minute I was having a drink waiting for Kyle the next minute I was in the back of a van getting attacked."

He pressed a finger to my lips to shush me. "Baby, baby, calm down it's okay now." He said hugging me into his chest. "Your safe here with me."

I let out a sigh of relief. I had so many questions but I was just enjoying the moment.

"Thank you so much again, I love you." I blurted out quickly covering my mouth.

Did I just fucking say I love you... kill me now...

He chuckled and cupped my face in his hand. "I love you too." He said pressing his lips on mine.

Wait did he just ... wait ...

I pressed into the kiss with him feeling his chest with my hands. "Please fuck me Dabi." I whispered to him.

Hmm was this the alcohol or drugs talking...

He picked me up and gently placed me on the bed. He let me take my clothes off while he removed his. Our naked bodies pressed against each other as we continued to make out. I felt for his hand and guided his fingers inside me.

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