Book 2 out now!!

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Chapter 1 - Welcome back bitches

The salt on the rim of the glass almost stung my lips as I took a sip of my Margarita placing it back down on the table in front of me. I paused and scanned the room looking for my target.

It had been just over a year since the battle between the hero's and villains. The nation was split in half as a result. On one side was the hero's and their followers. Not much had changed over there, people seemed more on edge but still held out hope that the hero's would protect them.

On our side of the city, people did what they wanted. The league pretty much ran the whole city. The freedom was fun but sometimes the power got to our heads. That was when some rival villain gangs began popping up. Most of them were no threat to us, we made sure to establish ourselves as the alphas. This usually went pretty smoothly.

A waitress walked over to me and snapped me out of my concentration. She laid a napkin down on the table and placed a fruity looking cocktail on top of it.

I raised an eyebrow and looked up at her. "I didn't order another one." I said trying not to give her too much sass.

She smiled and turned around to point at a table behind her. A couple of men sat at the table well dressed when one of them gave me a wave.

I sighed and thanked the waitress as she left. I continued to scan the room when I found my target.

"Right on time." I mumbled to myself as I pulled the cherry out of my new drink and sucked on it.

He was tall, kind of a stocky build and wore a tacky gold jacket and matching slacks. He had a thick hair of jet black hair and a lady hanging off each arm.

I felt a smirk pull across my face.

Meh... I like a bit of a challenge....

I watched him walk over to take a seat at one of the booths at the opposite side of the room to me. His men scattered around the club. Some walked up to the bar, some went to smoke out on the balcony and others just went to pick up chicks.

Time to cause a bit of a scene....

I waited until he was settled in his seat before I glanced back over at the man that bought me a drink.

Sorry Casanova... I'm not your average Cinderella....

We locked eyes and I picked up the drink he had got me. He smiled and stood up as if it was an invitation to come over. I stood up with the drink and held it out in front of me.

Before he could move a step closer I turned the glass upside down and let it spill on the floor in front of me.

It wasn't a loud club, more of a gentlemen's club. The music was low and the place was civilised, until I walked in at least.

The man frowned angrily and watched as the last of the liquid left the glass. I let the glass slip out of my fingers and smash onto the tiled floor. It echoed and everyone turned their heads to me.

I shrugged back at the man and began to walk out of the club hoping my little scene caught the attention of my target.

"Hey, hold up babe." A voice said giving me a whistle.

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