Chapter 49 - High-End

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A\N: Manga spoilers ahead if I hadn't already mentioned it in previous chapters.

The next chapter might be a little later than usual... don't hate me ...


Thankfully my quirk had worked and we arrived at the new hideout in time for the doctor to show us what he had been working on.

I looked around at the league members standing around waiting for the doctor.

"Where's Kurogiri?" I asked quickly as I nudged Dabi in the arm.

He let out an annoyed grunt and rubbed his temples. "I already told you, he got captured." He grunted.

I thought for a moment.

Did he already tell me this? Maybe It was when I was still sick ehhh...

"Oh right yeah I remember.." I lied.

"(F/N)! Your alive!" Toga squealed as she ran over and gave me a hug.

"Ugh barely." I slouched over after she hugged me.

"What happened to you?" She asked tilting her head. "Dabi said you got sick."

I felt embarrassed, this was coming from someone who told Toga not to do drugs that night in the club. Should have listened to my own advice ehh.

"Well I ... I killed someone and then I did something silly and took some bad stuff and got sick." I said nervously ready for the judgement.

"Oh is that all." She said spinning around when we heard someone come into the room.

Wait... she doesn't care?...

The doctor suddenly walked out pulling a large cage with a blanket over it. He grinned as he positioned it in front of us and stood next to it holding the edge of the fabric.

"You ask young master and I deliver." The doctor said pulling the blanket off the cage exposing the nomu.

This nomu was different, nothing like Frank. The look in its eye was that of some kind of predator. A grin grew across its face when it saw us.

"I give you, a High-End Nomu!" The doctor announced taking a step back and bowing.

Shigaraki chuckled as he got closer to the cage. "Good job Doc, how many have you made so far?" He asked.

The doctor stood back up and started to scratch the back of his neck. "Well you see, they are very difficult to make. This is the first but I want to test him out first." He said turning to look at his masterpiece.

I took a step closer to Toga and nudged her. "Doc called that one a he." I whispered to her.

She covered her mouth with her hands and giggled slightly.

"Dabi, do you think Hawks could help us test this one out." Shigaraki asked hitting the cage with the back of his hand.

Dabi took a step forward and shrugged. "I guess. What have you got in mind?"

"How about we get him to line up a pro to fight him in Kyushu?" Shigaraki said before turning to face the doc. "How quickly can you get him to answer to Dabi?"

"I'll give him a call now." Dabi said taking out his phone and walking outside.

He was only gone for a few moments when he returned with an answer. "He said the day after tomorrow at the factory by the water at Kyushu." Dabi said rolling his eyes.

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