Chapter 77 - Hawks

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I quickly pulled the sheets over me to hide my naked body.

"Oh god no!" I wailed before sticking my head in a pillow to scream.

Fuck!... I can't remember what happened last night...

I heard Hawks chuckle and I lifted my head off the pillow slightly.

"Relax we didn't sleep together, if that's what your worried about." He laughed as he lent on the bathroom door frame.

I thought for a moment. "Then why am I naked?"

He rubbed his forehead before he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You were super drunk and you passed out in one of the booths. I woke you up to see if you were okay and then you vomited on me."

Hmmmm maybe I kinda remember that...

I felt a smile pull across my face. "Oh sorry." I tried to say without laughing.

Hawks rolled his eyes and continued his story. "I asked if I could take you home but you didn't want to tell me where you were living so...." He said throwing an arm out to present the room.

"Ohhh this is your place? It's nice, got a bit of a Batchelor pad vibe about it." I chuckled as I looked around his room. "Huge bed, maybe your overcompensating for something?" I joked noticing how large the bed was.

"Really, I look after your drink ass and your still making fun of me." He said with a huff. "I need the room for my wings, it's like the same feeling as having a foot hung off the bed otherwise."

I yawned. "I guess that makes sense. So why am I naked, And in your bed? Surely you have a guest bedroom." I said as my head continued to throb in pain.

He put his hands up defensively. "That ones all on you. When I took you back here I showed you to the guest bedroom and you ran around the house till you found my room, stripped off and jumped in the bed." He said shrugging again.

"Oh crap, Dabi's gonna be pissed." I said quietly so Hawks couldn't hear... or so I thought.

"Yeah, he's good. You don't think I'd just take you back here without trying to palm you off to your boyfriend first. I'm trying to get on his good side, remember. He was just as drunk as you, I couldn't even make out what he was saying. But he also wouldn't tell me where you lived so I told him you were done for the night and going to sleep at mine." He said so casually.

"And he didn't care, that you took me home?" I questioned.

He shock his head. "Well he tried to tell me not to sleep with you, I think. Then he mentioned something about me being a hero and that I wouldn't do anything bad. He was pretty intoxicated and incomprehensible."

I quickly grabbed my head with my hands. "Too many big words..." I groaned.

Hawks chuckled. "Besides I told him I saw you more like a annoying little sister I needed to look after." He smirked.

I let go of my head and looked over to him. "Oh so I suppose your my hot big brother?" I chuckled then quickly realised what I said.

His smirk only grew. "Now that's the kinda talk that will get you in shit with Dabi." He chuckled.

"I didn't mean that I think your hot. I just meant that other people find you hot, I think..." I said in a slight panic.

"Hold on let me grab you a shovel, so you can keep digging yourself a hole." He laughed as he walked over to his dresser.

"Well I mean I would be lying if I said you weren't attractive, but your not my type. But Im not saying I'm not into hot people because I am into attractive people because I mean, I like Dabi... and well he's hot." I babbled on.

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