Chapter 79 - Secrets

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A/N: Hey everyone, it's me again 😜 Got another chapter for you today because I love spamming you all. (Plus it's Dabi's bday....)

Just wanted to give a shout out to lilytrii for creating this new cover art for Mistakes!

As always thanks everyone for your votes, comments and follows! It means so much!


I let out a loud grunt. "What the hell Hawks, why the fuck are you calling me at midnight! And who gave you my number?"

"Woah, so I was just seeing if you were awake. I actually wanted to see if you were online, but it sounds like you might be doing something else... and Dabi gave me your number ages ago." He chuckled.

Really Dabi .... Hawks...

I let out a long moan this time and rolled over in my bed. "More like expecting someone else to call me at midnight, and what do you mean online?" I said in a huff.

"You know, Cod. Thinking you could keep kicking my ass if you were still awake."

"Oh..." I paused. "I don't even have a gaming console here, sorry maybe another time." I chuckled, almost forgetting he just interrupted me now.

"Oh got it. Enjoy the rest of your ehhh.. night." He chuckled again before he hung up.

I let out another groan and threw my phone onto the bedside table. I rolled onto my side and let my head rest against the pillow. My eyes drifted shut and I was out.


I stretched out my arms and quickly jolted when I felt an arm over my waist. I quickly turned around and saw Dabi sound asleep next to me.

Ohhh shit I forgot I asked him to come over... I must have fallen asleep before he got here.... might be a bit concerning I didn't wake up to him coming in though... hmmm....

I rolled over to face him and snuggled in close taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't woken up yet. It was nice, and he smelt so good.

I wonder why he needed to see the doc so late last night....

I felt a shiver run down my spine when I remembered my awkward conversation with Hawks.

I can't believe he called me at midnight....

I tried to close my eyes and rest a bit longer while snuggling into Dabi's warmth. Almost half an hour passed before I felt Dabi's arm on me move.

He stretched it up over his head and let out a low moan. I opened my eyes and moved back a bit to give him some room.

"You fell asleep before I even made it back last night." Dabi chuckled as he stretched.

I pretended to just wake up also and did a little stretch. "Ohh I'm sorry, you must have taken too long." I smiled. "What did you need to do last night anyway?"

"Oh just had to see Shigaraki." He yawned.

Wait... didn't he say he needed to see the doc?...

"Oh, and what did he have to say?" I asked trying to pry.

"Nothing important." He said sitting up.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now