Chapter 94 - The first time

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"You don't know what your saying." Hawks said trying to reason with me. He let go of my wrist and it fall back to my side.

"That's the thing, I do know what I'm saying. Ever since I lost my memory i haven't been sure about anything really until now. I know I have to find Dabi, I know we have to be together." I said realising how insane I sounded.

I had completely lost my memory, found out I am in fact a villain being offered a chance at a new life. A normal life, and I was giving it all up for a boy.

Fuck I must have fallen hard for this guy....

I could see Hawks still wasn't going to give up.

I aimed the gun up to his chest.

"I'll shoot you if you try and stop me." I said taking a few steps away from Hawks and towards Frank.

I could almost read Hawks face, he was trying desperately to think of something else to say to me. Anything to try and stop me.

"Wait, what if he wasn't the one you were in love with. What if it was someone else." He said lifting his hands up slowly.

I raised an eyebrow but kept the gun aimed at his chest.

"What if it was me you loved." He said almost like it was a question.

I lowered the gun and let out an annoyed huff. "Look Hawks, I might have been naive before I started getting some of my memories back. But I'm not believing any more of your lies."

He lowered his hands again and let out a sigh as he flexed his wings out. "Fine, I suppose I better help you get back to the base. You'll probably end up getting yourself killed trying to find your on way back. Your so fucking stubborn."

"You bet." I said with a smile.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and let out an annoyed grunt. I just looked at him for a moment before I walked up and gave him a hug. I lifted my hands over his shoulder and around his neck letting the gun rest on his back between his wings.

"Thanks for looking after me. I'm sorry but.... this is what I want." I said letting go of him.

He kept his hands in his pockets and rolled his eyes. "Right well you can either ride with that death trap or I could fly you?" Hawks said bluntly.

I hummed. "Yeah like I'm gonna trust you to take me back to the base. Besides Frank's got style." I laughed pointing to the nomu.

He grunted. "Just let me do this one last thing and then you can make all the stupid mistakes you want."

Hmmmm I don't think he would actually do anything bad to me.... I mean all he's done this whole time is protect me....

"Fine you win. Take me to my man!" I said cheerfully.

Hawks rolled his eyes again and grabbed onto me. He took off into the air at speed, I couldn't even make out where we were going.

"Oh man, he's gonna be so mad." Hawks said under his breath.

Who?... Dabi?... why would he be mad... I've started to get my memories back.... please don't tell me it's been so long that he's moved on.... no can't be...

We landed out the front of what looked like an abandoned warehouse. I let go of Hawks and looked around.

I... I... I dono if I remember this place?..

"Right here we are." Hawks said holding out an arm to show me the hideout.

I touched the bracelet on my wrist and spun it around.

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