Chapter 7 - Villains

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We closed our eyes and felt the car drop and lurch forward before it stoped. I quickly turned the car off and looked around.

Thank god that worked, I haven't used my quirk in ages.

"What's this place?" I said looking out of the car around the place.

It was a huge abandoned shed with some shipping containers stacked to the side.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Dabi said looking around to see where we had ended up.

"Just saved your ass is what I did, a thank you wouldn't go far." I said opening the car door and getting out.

Dabi also got out of the car still holding the bag from before. "Seriously though what the fuck." He said looking around. "How did you get us here?"

"Magic" I joked waving my fingers in the air.

He stayed silent and continued to stare at me unimpressed.

"Wow gotta great sense of humour don't cha. It was my quirk relax. So where is this?" I asked walking further away from the car.

"Your quirk got us here? Is it like warping or something?" He asked coming over to my side of the car.

"Yeah something like that ."

Dabi stopped closely in front of me and grabbed my chin. "What's your quirk?"

"Woah easy, no need to be rough." I said grabbing his wrist.

Dabi tightened his grip on my chin pulling it up to his face. Our lips only stopping an inch away from each other's.

"Hey, your hurting me." I said using my other hand to try and push his chest away.

"You've got one of those illegal quirks don't you." He said studying my face.

I instantly stopped struggling and started to get nervous. "Umm no, maybe, what you gonna turn me in? I just saved you!" I said started to panic.

A grin grew across his face and he lightly loosened his grip on my chin.

"Please don't turn me in." I said softly looking into Dabi's eyes. "I didn't mean to use it, I just panicked and you said to...."

His hand moved from my chin to cover my mouth. "Oh I think you'll fit in with us just fine."

"You mean it?" I said pulling his hand away.

"Sure, you did just help us get what the boss wanted." He said swinging the bag.

"Your not gonna turn me in?" I asked curiously.

"Nope, why would I do that." He said casually taking a step back.

"Because I illegally used my quirk." I said nervously.

"You seriously have no idea who I am or who I work with do you?" He said with a chuckle.

"Should I have seen you before? Your not like some famous hero are you? My ex was, I'm just not really into the whole hero thing. Oh wait let me guess you have that blue fire quirk, are you like that number 2 hero's sidekick, what's his name again ahhhh oh Endeavor?" I said as I started to babble on.

He threw the bag on the ground in front of me snapping me from my hero talk. I looked down and saw the contents of the bag. I let out a huge gasp and covered my mouth.

The bag was overflowing with what I could only assume was quirk enhancers and cash.

Dabi let out a loud laugh. "Get it now sweet cheeks."

My body started to tremble.

Fuck these guys are villains. I need to get outta here, but I can only use my quirk once a day. Shittt, I need to play dumb.

"Ohhh cool cool cool, well your welcome." I said looking at my wrist and realised I didn't have a watch on. "Look at the time! You know I actually have another job interview I need to run off too now so if you don't mine I'll just." I quickly spin around and go to walk off when Dabi warped an arm around my waist and chest.

He pinched my chin again pulling my head back into his chest. "Your running off awfully quick, the boss is just about to get here." He said into my ear.

He could defiantly feel my body trembling at this point.

What's wrong with me... why do I still find him so attractive even after finding out he's a villain. Maybe I'm overthinking it, he might just be some small time thug.

"I do have a question for ya." He said still pressing his body up on mine. "The first time we met at the club, would you have used your quirk then? To get away from that guy?"

"Yeah, probably. Kinda hard to focus and use it properly when I'm drunk though." I said nervously.

Suddenly we hear the shed door open and see some people walking inside. Dabi quickly lets me go and takes a step back picking up the bag in the process. I couldn't move, my body had frozen.

"Woah nice car!" A young girl in a school uniform blurred out as she bounced through the doors.

"What the heck Dabi who's that girl? She's hot!" A man in a black and grey full body suit yelled out.

My breathing started to get faster and it felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest.

Four more people walked into the shed and the doors slammed shut.

What the fuck have I gotten myself into.

"You get those quirk enhancers?" A young man said with a scratchy voice. He had grey hair and was covered in what I thought to be like maybe manikin hands.... odd

"Sure did, thanks to this pretty little thing." Dabi said slapping my ass making me jump.

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?" The school girl asked.

I blushed trying to think of how you would describe our relationship ... fuck buddies?

What a odd group of people.

"More like fuck buddies, I met this chick at a strip club Toga." Dabi said with a slight chuckle. "She's the reason we were able to get outta there so quick. She's got a teleportation quirk." He said turning to the young man with the hands on him.

"Oh she's a stripper, that explains why she's dressed like that." Toga said skipping to have a look at the car.

"That's a pretty handy quirk you got there, we could defiantly use that in our organisation." The young man said removing the hand covering his face.

I laughed really awkwardly at Dabi's honest words. "I'm not a stripper we just met there, which is totally unimportant and a whole other story. And I wouldn't say my quirks really all that handy, I need to have been to the place I teleport to or like someone with me needs to have been there, and I can only really use it once a day. And I've never teleported a car before that was kinda just a fluke, so I dono if I'm really a good fit for you guys." I said starting to babble again.

Dabi laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Relax, you'll be fine. So what do ya say boss? She in?" Dabi asked the young man.

"Sure, what's her name?" He asked Dabi.

"(F/N)," Dabi said.

"You sure shes not a stripper? That would be kinda fun." Toga said with a grin.

"Welcome to the League of Villains (F/N)"

Oh fuck....

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