Chapter 25 - Frank

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The morning light had just started to make its way into the room slowly waking me up. I rolled over to face Dabi who was still in a deep sleep. I hadn't slept much last night after mulling over what he had said about us.

While we were together... I didn't want this to ever end. I also couldn't help but wonder what would happen when we moved to the new base, would we still be together?

I looked over at the time and noticed it was 9am already. I slowly got up and climbed over Dabi. I gently put my lips to his ear lobe and gave it a nibble. He moved slightly and wrapped his arms around me letting his hands sit on my ass. I moved my lips from his earlobe to his jaw lightly kissing it as I went.

I could just see the corner of his mouth crack a smile.

"Good morning," I whispered stopping the kisses.

His body stiffened as he stretched out before opening his eyes.

"Your up early." He yawned as he dug his fingers into my ass cheeks.

It's not even early ...

I bent over him sticking my ass in the air and my lips to his ear. "I wanna hear about all the things your gonna do to me today." I seductively whispered in his ear.

He chuckled and gave my ass a slap. "As much as I would love to just stay here and fuck you all day, we actually need to do some stuff for the league today."

I let out a groan and rolled off him onto the other side of the bed.

"Come on, it'll be fun babe." He said getting up out of bed.

We both changed and made our way to the bar. I made my boots, black skinny jeans, red crop top and black leather jacket my usual get up. Considering everyone else seemed to wear the same stuff.

We got to the bar together and Dabi knocked on the door. Spinner opened it and let us inside. Dabi took his usual spot against the wall and I went to sit next to Toga.

"Morning," she said turning to smile at me before turning back to her phone.

Again at this point it was almost lunch time, I would hardly call it Morning...

"Hey," I returned the smile.

There was a moment of awkward silence in the bar before someone else knocked on the door.

Spinner let the man in. I turned to look at who it was tilting my head when I realised I didn't recognise him.

"That old guys just Shigaraki's informant." Toga said not looking up from her phone.

"Ohhhhhh." I said quietly.

The man started talking to Shigaraki and handed him some folders.

"Don't forget this time I need a finders fee if you keep any of em." The man said as he walked away from Shigaraki.

He stopped when he got to Toga and I. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Enchantress. I've heard a lot about you." He chuckled.

Still not sure if I'm sold on the name but I did yell it at Alex the other day so I might have to make it a thing.

I smirked and spun the bar stool around to face him. "All bad things I hope." I joked.

I could feel Dabi's eyes watching me as I spoke to the man. He chuckled to himself as he left the bar.

"Right let's split up and get us some new recruits." Shigaraki said opening the folders.

"Dabi, Spinner you guys can work on the east." He said handing them some files.

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