Chapter 56 - Karma 🍋

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He got up and wrapped an arm around my back, he was a bit taller than Dabi so it felt awkward already. I had just become so used to Dabi. We walked to the bar when he leaned over and grabbed a key card from under the counter.

We walked out of the club together and into the hotel lobby above the club. We could still hear the music pumping as we entered the lift.

Chase used the card to select the top floor. My nerves were starting to get to me. I reached up to rub the back of my neck and felt the necklace Dabi had forced me to wear.

Great.... it feels like he's watching me now...I can't do this... this isn't me...

Chase could tell I was uneasy. "You sure you wanna do this princess? I mean, I'm all for getting revenge on Dabi but... you can't undo this once it's done."

For some reason his words stung me. How could he assume I would forgive Dabi for having sex with Ren but he wouldn't if I had sex with Chase...

I rolled my eyes and pushed Chase into the side of the elevator. I reached up on my tippy toes and pressed my lips against his. The penthouse was on the 46th floor of this particular building and the lift made a loud noise when we arrived on the floor.

We continued to make out while Chase lifted me up and carried me out into the penthouse not breaking our lips. He obviously knew his way around the place, after carrying me for a while he gently placed me on a bed and finally broke our kiss.

I opened my eyes and looked around. They place was stunning. Full glass walls overlooking the city, hopefully two way glass or tinted because I couldn't seem to see any curtains in sight.

Chase threw his jacket off and loosened his tie so he could remove it. "Sorry to sound like a broken record babe, but you sure about this?" Chase asked again.

I let out a grunt. "Yes, I wanna fuck you okay. Just please tell me you have a condom or something?" I said flopping back onto the bed.

He turned around and pressed a button on the wall turning the lights off. It actually really set the mood. The only light I could see was the city lights. I kicked my heels off as I saw Chase unbutton his shirt. I had almost forgot he had that tattoo of a skull on his neck, it was in full view as he removed his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt.

"Wait!" I said quickly sitting up from the bed.

He stopped and dropped his hands. I lent forward and reached out to his belt slowly releasing the buckle and pulling it off him.

"Let me help with that." I said trying to sound a bit seductive and not think about Dabi.

My hands then went for his pants button quickly opening it and unzipping his pants. He pulled them down and took them off with his shoes and socks.

His tight briefs were all he had left on now. My heart was racing slightly which made me wonder if I was making a terrible mistake. Chase ran a hand down my cheek and over my shoulder sliding my dress strap off as I gulped hoping he didn't notice my nervousness.

He did the same to the other side and I caught the dress before my boobs popped out. "Wait, are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked him while holding the white fabric over my skin.

He chuckled. "Princess, I've wanted to fuck you since I meet you at the black market auctions that day."

Hmm did I expect a different answer??... hmm...

I removed my hand and let the dress fall down to my waist as I stood up to let it fall to the floor. My cute white g-string was all I had left on.

"Wow." Chase said checking me out once the dress fell.

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