Chapter 43 - Black Market Auctions

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"Yeah, I was listening." I said rolling my eyes at Dabi.

"Okay so repeat what I just said." He smirked knowing I was semi listening.

"Ughh, if shit goes down use my quirk and forget about you." I smiled.

Dabi let out a sigh. "If you cant get to me, use your quirk! Use your quirk to leave ... not to get to me okay? I should be fine on my own anyway, but you..." he said letting out another sigh.

"Look if the going gets tough, I'll get going with or without you." I chuckled. "Can we go in now?" I asked nervously.

"I guess." He said turning towards the door.

Dabi and I had made our way to the black market auctions in our league gear. The place was hiding in plain sight down a busy street. The door looked like it led into a little shop so I was curious to find out what was behind it.

Dabi knocked his knuckles on the door a couple of times when a small vent opened.

Ohhhh I wonder if there's so secret password or something to get in...

"Dabi and Enchantress, we've been expecting you." A voice said from behind the door.

Ugh lame..

The door opened and we walked in. I was expecting to see someone greet us but there was no one. We walked down a small hallway when we got to a long staircase that lead down below the city.

"Wanna let me do the talking?" Dabi asked as we started to walk down the stairs.

I shrugged. "Sure," I said slightly bored.

I hope there's some booze down here...

Dabi let out another sigh. "Remember everyone in this room is a villain, your gonna see some shit you don't like." He said pausing for a moment. "Don't go pissing anyone off by running the pretty little mouth of yours yeah?" He said elbowing me in the arm.

"What do you mean, piss people off? And god your acting like I'm going to walk in and see a dead corpse or something." I chuckled.

Imagine it, me piss someone off way...

Dabi turned and gave me a worried look as we got to the bottom of the stairs. We stood in front of another large door.

"Wait, were not going to see any dead bodies are we?" I asked again.

"Maybe, maybe not." He said opening the door before I could chicken out.

The place was huge. There were a number of tables placed throughout the room with shady people sitting at them. The closer to the stage the people got the grubbier they looked. It smelt like I had walked into a men's locker room.

"Stay close yeah." Dabi said walking over to an empty table.

"Don't have to tell me twice." I said quickly following behind him.

"That seems to be all I fucking do, tell you things twice." He mumbled under his breath.

I looked around the room and spotted those vixen bitches at the side of the room.

Of course they are here...

I kept looking around and made some super awkward eye contact with a few people before deciding to just watch Dabi's shoes in front of me.

We get to an empty table and sit down.

"I didn't expect to see this many people here." Dabi said looking around. "It's much busier than usual considering your fathers not here. No doubt he's got some underlying continuing his work though." He said quietly.

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