Chapter 89 - Touya? Wait who are you? 🍋

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"Touya?" I asked like he hadn't just told me his actual name.

Wait did he actually just tell me his name?....

I had a flash back of Endeavor interrogating me at the prison.

Holy crap that was his dad.... like his actual dad .....Dabi's father is Endeavor.... oh god... we were doomed from the start right?....we were never going to work.....

"Why....." I managed to mutter. "Why tell me this now?" I asked as I looked into those beautiful blue eyes.

"Because..." his voice was raspy. "Because I love you (F/N) and I know I'll never be as happy as I am right now, with you." He let out a low sigh. "Please don't make me keep saying it."

"Dabi." I said pausing to take him in, to take in the fact that I was now safe and out of prison. It was almost surreal. "Dabi, I love you too. I don't know where I would be without you." My voice almost broke as I spoke.

It was all the truth though, I would be lost without him.

We looked at each other for a moment, like the world had stopped moving, like nothing mattered in this moment but us. It felt good to be loved, to not just feel like we were using each other for sex. We had actual feelings for each other, real feelings.

"Dabi, we've been through so much. The universe really didn't want us to be together." I chuckled and moved back closer to him.

He chuckled too. "No kidding." He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head. "Yet here we are."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. "Touya, it's a nice name. I think I prefer Dabi though." I said realising again he just told me his name. His real name.

He smirked as he looked down at me. "Yeah I prefer it when you call me Dabi too, or daddy. You can't tell the others either. I'm not ready for them to know just yet."

I nodded as I continued to look into his eyes. "I... I was wishing that the baby, would have gotten your eyes." I said as my voice broke at the end of the sentence. "It hurts so much Dabi. I'm so weak, couldn't save myself or our baby. It's all my fault."

I could feel the tears stream down my face as I moved my face back down to his chest.

"Please (F/N), it's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. It just wasn't our time." He said, letting me sob into his chest. "You would have made an amazing mum, you still will one day."

Wait did I hear that right....

I don't know what it was that came over me, the hormones or maybe the fact that I hadn't had this close human contact in a long while but... I wanted him.... I wanted him bad.

I wiped away the tears from my face and pulled myself up onto my tiptoes to reach his lips. Our lips crashed together and we both got lost in the moment. Violently ripping each other's clothes off like we were never going to see each other again.

"God Dabi, I want you so bad." I said into his lips.

Dabi ran his hands up my bare back and dug his nails in on the way back down after I spoke. "Fuck (F/N), say it again." Dabi said moving his lips to my neck as he began to suck it.

"Dabi....." I said letting my voice run. "I want you so bad, please." I said throwing my head back exposing my neck more.

"Fuck." He mumbled into my neck as he finished taking our clothes off.

It didn't even bother me that they were melted or torn. I just wanted him, in this moment, right now. My body ached for him, every inch. His touch his kisses were enough to send me over the edge. I loved this man, more than anything else

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