Chapter 67 - Dont talk 🍋

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I leaned out slightly and peaked over the edge to watch Hawks leave before quickly pressing my body back against Dabi. I had a sort of death grip on his jacket maybe because if I fell I would defiantly die from this height.

Dabi chuckled. "You can take us back now babe."

Did he call me babe again?... maybe I'm almost forgiven after all...

I closed my eyes and activated my quirk taking us back to my bedroom. When I opened them I looked up at Dabi, he was so close and his body was so warm.

"Shit, sorry." I said quickly letting go of my death grip and taking a step back.

"Thanks again for letting me use ya." Dabi said walking out of my bedroom towards the front door.

"Oh I wish you would just use me..." I said softly watching him walk to the door.

Dabi stopped and turned around. "What was that?"

Wait did he just hear me?...

"Nothing." I smiled and tilted my head slightly. "I ugh just said, your welcome."

"Right." Dabi said as he got to the front door.

What's wrong with me... I can't even talk to him like a normal person anymore.... oh wait I just found out I'm not normal....

I heard the front door lock click and I jolted my head back to the door. Dabi walked back in and stood in front of me.

"Dabi what are you...."

Dabi walked forward and covered my mouth with his hand. "No talking, you just do as I say. Got it." Dabi asked keeping his hand over my mouth.

Ahhh yes sir.....

I nodded and kept my eyes locked with his.

Are we about too ...... hopefully I can at least look at him this time....

"Good girl." Dabi said lowering his hand from my mouth to my chin.

My heart was racing, I couldn't tell if he was just playing with me or if he was actually going to fuck me. I was hoping it would be the last option.

Oh god doesn't he know I don't know how to shut up...

I opened my mouth to say something before I quickly shut it frowning at myself.

Dabi chuckled and lifted my chin up exposing my neck. He lent down and trailed kisses from my collarbone up to my ear.

His breath was gently touching my ear as he spoke. "If you want me to fuck you I need you to practice some self control babe. So no talking, think of it as a punishment." He chuckled.

If he's thinks this is a punishment I'm all in... punish me any day Dabi....

He ran his tongue over my ear and rolled the lobe before giving it a gentle suck. A light moan escaped my lips and I quickly shoved a hand over my mouth.

Dabi grabbed my hand and lowered it. "Moaning is okay babe, just no words. Which I know is already hard enough for you. I can see that little brain of yours ticking away, just wanting to say some smart ass comment."

Okay I can't talk but can I at least touch him?...

I moved my hand that Dabi was holding so that mine was on top controlling his. I pressed his fingertips on my neck and ran them down my chest and slid them into the front of my pants.

Ughh I just wanna say something hot.... like touch me daddy.... oh man he would be so pissed if I just came out with a line like that... but I'm also risking not getting fucked...

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now