Chapter 99 - Final piece of the Puzzle

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It was rather quiet in the back of the van. These people looked familiar, I mean Toga especially but everyone else ehhhhh. Maybe they would have looked more familiar if I was allowed to leave Dabi's room more often.

"Fine if no one else is, I'll be the one to address the elephant in the room... Why is Enchantress here? Not that I'm complaining I just thought...." Spinner trailed his voice off. "You know cause she still hasn't gotten all of her memories back."

Awww he's worried about me.... wait did he just call me an elephant?....

"I lost a bet." Dabi said flatly.

Toga twirled around and sat down opposite me in the van. "What was the bet?" She asked with a giggle.

"It's not important." Dabi said quickly.

I smirked and looked over to Toga giving her a wink. She giggled to herself as the rest of the van went silent again.

I'm not really too sure how helpful I'll be now that I'm here... at least it's just the old league members and not the new Liberation guys... less people to embarrass myself in front of.... well beats being stuck inside all day...

"So what's the plan?" I asked Dabi eagerly clapping my hands together and rubbing them.

Dabi chuckled to himself. "The plan is for us..." He said circling his hand around to the others purposefully excluding me. "To get the supplies the doc needs so he can continue to make more of those high end nomus."

"Oh.... and I'll wait in the van?" I asked letting my voice drop realising he wasn't really letting me do anything at all.

He smirked and nodded as he lent back on the van.

Hmm so much for being useful....

After a short while we had made it to our destination. The others jumped out of the van and ran into the building. They only told me it was some sort of government building, that was all. I suppose I was on a need to know basis... and I didn't need to know...

I sat in the back of the van for a while with Spinner in silence. It was slightly awkward, I mean I wasn't really sure how to make a conversation with the guy so I just stayed silent.

Spinner stood up and grabbed one of his knifes pulling it out as he walked to the doors.

"Oh is everything okay?" I asked getting up and walking over to him.

"Yeah, everything's fine I was just going to check the perimeter." He said as he jumped out of the van.

"Let me help!" I said as I grabbed one of the guns from the back.

I felt slightly familiar with them, only from playing cod with Hawks. Maybe I had held a gun before I lost my memories? I wasn't too sure.

Ever since I started to get them back I had imagined my regained memories like a puzzle. I had some pieces in the correct place while others were still sitting to the side waiting to find their way onto the board, or for me waiting to remember them...

"Ughh I dono, you should probably stay here. Dabi would kill me if he knew I let you walk off on your own." Spinner said scratching the scales on his arm.

I flicked the safety off and loaded the gun cocking it back to load the chamber. "I'll be fine! I promise!" I smiled hoping my display with the gun just then convinced him slightly.

Spinner rolled his eyes and scratched his forehead. "Fine, you take the left side and I'll go the right. If your not back here in 5 minutes I'll come get you okay?" He said confidently.

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